S1 Episode 2/ Sleepover party

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(1 week later.)
It was going to be a wonderful evening for the kids. They are going to have a sleepover and they are going to have some fun.
In the kitchen Della, and miss Beakley are making some treats for the kids. Huey is making a list of what they already got.
Huey- Okay we got food, drinks, snacks, games, blankets, and pillows.
Della- Look like you got everything on your list.
Huey- Well, the only thing missing is a movie and the girls are picking the movie tonight.
Della- Speaking of girls where are they?
Huey- Oh they are In Webby room.
Beakley- What are they doing In there?
Huey- I have no idea miss Beakley. They are probably talking about girl stuff.
Meanwhile In Webby room they were talking about brought of stuff including boys too.
Lena- Webby, we want to know everything that happened last week with your date with Dewey.
Webby- First it wasn't a date. Second it was amazing. Dewey was being so nice to me and we watched my favorite movie ever.
Violet- Wait they was playing your favorite movie ever?
Webby- Yes. Anyway we did look at the stars but, all of the sudden, I started looking at Dewey and then I...
Lena- You what Webby.
Then Beakley knocks on the door.
Beakley- Girls just to remind you that everything is ready tonight.
Webby- Okay granny. Oh I forgot to tell you that Dewey invited Gosalyn for the sleepover tonight.
Lena- Oh... that cool.
Violet- I haven't met Gosalyn before. How did they met?
Webby- Well, Dewey and Launchpad was helping Gosalyn to find her grandpa but, he disappeared. They couldn't save him on time.
Lena- Well, that sucks.
Violet- Anyway you were talking about Dewey.
Webby- Oh ya... Well...
Then the door bell ring and it was Gosalyn and BOYD
Lena- Well, it looks like our guest is here.
Then the girl walked out of Webby room and they went downstairs.
Huey- Hey BOYD.
BOYD- Hey Huey.
Huey- I thought you couldn't make it tonight?
BOYD- Well, doctors Gyro said that I can go If I got everything done on my list and I did.
Huey- That good. And you must be Gosalyn.
Gosalyn- Ya that's me.
Huey- Well, come this way and put your stuff over there and we will get this started In a few minutes.
Violet- Is that Gosalyn?
Webby- Yes. That's her.
Lena- Dewey didn't say it was a girl who he met.
Webby- It was a girl he met, Lena.
Lena- Oh did I say girl? Well, I meant really attractive girl.
Violet- I mean, she does look really pretty.
Webby- Look, she may be pretty but, she is Dewey friend and that it.
Then Dewey saw Gosalyn.
Dewey- Hey Gosalyn.
Gosalyn- Hey Dewey.
Dewey- How have you been from... you know?
Gosalyn- It hard. I can't believe that I lost my grandpa and I couldn't do anything about it.
Dewey- Hey it okay. We will find him, Gosalyn.
Then they hugged.
Lena- Do you think they are still friends?
Webby- Yes. It just a hug and that it.
Violet- I mean, we hug.
Webby- Ya but, we are best friends.
Lena- They are hugging.
Webby- They only know each other for like a month now.
Violet- Webby do have a point there.
Lena- Okay. But, I am going to keep In eye on her.
Webby- Okay.
BOYD- Hey, where is Louie?
Huey- Oh he is probably In his room.
Louie- Actually I was In the kitchen.
Huey- How long you been In there?
Louie- Only for a few minutes. I was talking to Uncle Scrooge before I got In the kitchen.
Huey- You was talking to Uncle Scrooge? About what?
Louie- Well, it not important right now but, he will talk to us about it either tomorrow or In a few days.
Huey- Okay.
Dewey- Well, can we start this sleepover now since everyone is here.
Huey- Ya we can start. The first we are going to do is played games.
Webby- Cool.
Dewey- All of these boards games sucked.
Lena- We can played true or dare.
Gosalyn- I do like that.
Dewey- Ya let played it.
(Ok we are going to skip this part but, I will do one dare. 25 minutes later.)
Gosalyn- Okay. Now this is the last one. Webby. True or Dare?
Webby- Well, I did pick true last time so, I will go with dare.
Gosalyn- Okay. Hmm...
Gosalyn was thinking about what to do with Webby dare but, she looks at Dewey and looks at Webby.
Gosalyn (to herself)- Hmm... Dewey and Webby have been looking at each other this in tired games. Ohh I got one.
Gosalyn- Okay. Webby. I dare you to kiss Dewey.
Everyone except Gosalyn- Wait what!
Webby- Are you serious?
Gosalyn- Yes.
Webby- Can I do something else?
Lena- Oh come on Webby, it just a game.
Violet- It won't mean anything.
Dewey- Ya it just a game Web. Just kiss me on the cheek and that it.
Gosalyn- Ya when I mean kiss, I mean lips to lips.
Webby- Oh man.
Dewey- Okay. Just do it really quick then.
Webby- Okay.
Then Webby walked to Dewey and he stayed up and then they kissed for 5 seconds.
Webby- There I did it.
Dewey- I think, we need to do something else then true or dare.
Louie- I agree.
Webby- We can watch movies then.
Dewey- Ya I like that idea.
Huey- What movies should we watch?
Gosalyn- Oh I got one.
Then Gosalyn give the movie to Huey.
Huey- This movie is a romantic movie.
Gosalyn- So this post to be a girl sleepover not a boy and girls sleepover.
Dewey- Gosalyn do have a point there.
Gosalyn- Thank Dewey.
Huey- Okay. We can watch it.
Then Huey put on the movie and everyone was sitting on the floor. Louie was sitting next to Lena, then Violet was sitting next to Huey, then Webby was sitting next to Dewey, Gosalyn and BOYD was sitting alone. Though the hold movie, Dewey and Webby were holding hands, Gosalyn and BOYD saw them holding hands.
(We are going to the next scene.)
Then the movie got done, the boys went to there room and the girls did the same thing and they talked about the movie and other stuff too.
Dewey- That movie was good.
Louie- I don't like it but, I don't hate it either.
Huey- Ya normally I will like movies but, this one I hate.
BOYD- I think, it was a good movie.
Dewey- See BOYD agree with me that it was a good movie.
BOYD- You are staying that because, you was holding hand with Webby the entire time we was watching the movie. Oops.
Huey and Louie- What!
Huey- You was holding hand with Webby?
Dewey- Yes I did. I mean, you guys didn't see it.
Huey- Because, I was watching a terrible movie and you was being happy that you was holding hand with Webby.
Dewey- Look, it just 2 best friends holding hands. It not like that I kiss her.
Huey- Okay. You do have a point there.
Louie- But, you should tell us this stuff. I mean, the last time you hide a secret from us when you found out about mom.
Dewey- Yes I did hide that from you guys but, now she is back.
Huey- We just don't like that you are keeping secrets from us. We are your brothers, family.
Dewey- Your right. I am sorry.
Huey- Good.
Dewey- Webby kiss me at the park last week.
Huey and Louie- What!?
Louie- Are you serious?
Huey- You just lied to us again.
Dewey- She only kiss me on the cheek. I mean, I did surprise her.
Huey- I heard about the movie at the park.
Louie- I also heard about it but...
Dewey- But, what Louie?
Louie- I think, Dewey was trying to impress Webby.
Dewey- Woah. I wasn't trying to impress Webby.
BOYD- No. You were trying to Impress Webby because, you have a crush on her.
Huey and Louie- What!
Dewey- That's not true.
Huey- BOYD are you telling the truth?
BOYD- Yes I am. Webby favorite movie wasn't post to play at the park last week.
Louie- What do you mean by that?
Huey- I think he is saying that Dewey pay someone to play Webby favorite movie.
Dewey- Maybe I did, or maybe I didn't.
Louie- You either did or not.
Dewey- Okay. I did pay someone to play her favorite movie.
Huey- So it true. You do have a crush on Webby.
Dewey- Yes. I like Webby since she helped us find our mom. Back then I didn't know what those feelings were but, now I do know what they are.
Louie- Why you didn't told us about it?
Dewey- I don't know. Maybe I wasn't ready to tell you guys. Look, just please don't tell Webby about me liking her.
Huey- We won't tell her anything about it.
Dewey- Good.
Meanwhile In girl room they were talking kind of the same things.
Webby- I like that movie.
Lena- It was a good idea to watch this movie.
Violet- Good idea, Gosalyn.
Gosalyn- Well, I don't want to chew my own horn but.
Gosalyn put her arms up and pretended that there a pull and she grabbed it.
Gosalyn- Chew chew.
Lena- Anyway what was your favorite scene In that movie.
Webby- I don't know. I like when they were so close together and they look each other eye and they kiss.
Gosalyn- Well, I don't want to say my favorite scene but, my favorite scene was when Dewey and Webby were holding hands.
Lena and Violet- What?! You was holding hand with Dewey?
Webby- Yes I was holding hands with Dewey.
Gosalyn- So what does that kiss mean then? Do you like Dewey asked a friend or something more then that.
Webby was nervous of answering that question. She is not ready to tell the girls that she have a crush on Dewey.
Webby- Me and Dewey are friends, best friends and that it.
Lena- Okay. But, you been acting strange the last few weeks. Is there anything you want to tell us.
Webby- No. I don't have anything to say.
Violet- Webby, ask your friends I know you are hiding something from us.
Webby- Guys I am telling the truth. Me and Dewey are just best friends and that will ever be.
Lena- Okay.
Violet- Anyway it about our bed time.
Webby- We need to get some sleep.
Then they we're getting there night clothes on and they said.
Webby- Good night you guys.
Violet- Night Webby.
Lena- Night Pink.
Gosalyn- GN Webby.
The end.
So what the name of this episode sure be.
If you have any name for this episode just let me know and I can change the episode name.
Anyway I will see you guys later then.

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