S1 episode 5

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It a beautiful day In Duckburg. At McDuck mansion, the kids have there sleepovers last night.
(Also to remind everyone that episode 4 takes place last week.)
Anyway, In Webby room, the girls we're still sleepy but, Webby and Violet already downstairs and Lena is on her blanket but, she wasn't alone.
Louie: Oh man... I can't believe that my brother didn't find out that I came over here last night.
Lena: I know. I can't believe that Webby didn't even saw you.
Louie: Well, you did told her that I was your pillow and she was about to put her head on my head.
Lena: And luckily I stopped that.
Louie: Anyway, I have... great time last night.
Lena: Me too.
(Okay I will let you guys know. Oh hey It me the author here. Just reminding you that Louie and Lena been seeing each other not like friends would. They been seeing each other like a couple but, they haven't been on date or they are not dating so, It basically a hook up with out any sexual stuff. Anyway, back to the show.)
Louie: Hey Lena, can I asked you questions?
Lena: Sure.
Louie: Do you feel bad about what we are doing?
Lena: What no. I mean, we are not doing anything... well you know what I am saying. Why do you ask?
Louie: Because, If my brother find out about us... I mean they won't care to tell on me but, If my mom find out then I am In big trouble.
Lena: Look Lou, we been doing this for a week now and no one know about us. I just staying It take time for people are ready to commit a... partner ship.
Louie: Right. I totally understand.
Lena: Good.
Then they both lean In and they kissed for a few seconds until Huey wake up and saw that Louie wasn't In there room.
Huey: Hey where Louie?
Lena: Look like your brother is looking for you.
Louie: Ya I know. I need to get to my room.
Lena: I will make a distraction to get you In your room.
Louie: Okay. But, first can you put on some clothes.
Lena: Why? You don't like my nightclothes?
Louie: No. It just that It already 8 o'clock.
Lena: Oh... Okay. Just don't look at me when I am changing.
Louie: Don't worry I won't.
Then Lena was changing her clothes and she got done and they left Webby room. Then Louie hide and that when Lena make her distraction started.
Lena: Ahhhh!!!
Lena screams and the girls heard It.
Violet: Did you hear that.
Webby: It Lena.
Then they ran upstairs and that when Huey was walking out of his room and he heard Lena scream and he immediately went to her and that when Louie make a run for It and he got In his room without anyone noticing him.
Webby: Lena what happened?
Lena: I thought... I saw my aunt shadow.
Girls: What!!!
Huey: That Impossible.
Then Dewey came upstairs.
Dewey: What going on? I can hear Lena screaming from outside.
Violet: Lena saw Magica DeSpell shadow.
Dewey: What! But... how that possible?
Huey: I don't know but, I will find out.
Webby: Speaking of talking about something else. Why were you outside Dewey?
Dewey: Because, I post to hangout with Launchpad and he is late.
Lena: I mean It not shocking because, he is always late and he crashes too.
Dewey: Ya I know but, he try his best to not to get us killed.
Then Launchpad came and he honked the limbo.
Dewey: Oh that must be Launchpad. Well, I should get going.
Webby: Dewey, can I come with you?
Dewey: Sure. Gosalyn will be happy to see you.
Webby: Oh you were meeting up with Gosalyn.
Dewey: Not just Gosalyn. We are meeting with Drake at his secret hideout.
Webby: Cool.
Then Launchpad calling Dewey.
Dewey: It Launchpad.
Then Dewey on his phone
Dewey: Hey Launchpad.
Launchpad: Sorry I am 5 hours late Dewey.
Dewey: Your not late buddy.
Launchpad: Oh... that good to hear.
Dewey: Anyway, Webby is coming with us today to meet with... you know who.
Launchpad: That's great. Well, I am already here and waiting for you guys.
Dewey: Okay.
Webby: Let grad my backpack and I will meet you at the limbo.
Dewey: Okay.
Then Dewey went back outside.
Then Webby went to her room and she found her backpack but, she saw something underneath Lena blankets.
Webby: Oh... what is that hiding underneath Lena blanket.
Webby pick up the blanket and she saw Louie hoodie under Lena blanket and Webby was shock.
Webby: It... that... Louie hoodie. Why Louie hoodie under Lena blanket. I can't think about this right now.
Then Webby left her room and went outside and got In the limbo and Launchpad drive.
(We skipped a scene and now we are at Drake hideout.)
Then they got In Drake hideout and saw him on his computer.
Launchpad: Hey Drake.
Drake: Launchpad you made it.
Launchpad: Ya. I also bring Dewey and this is his best friend Webby.
Webby: Hi. I am Webby.
Drake: Oh I know who you are.
Webby: Wait how do you know who I was?
Drake: My daughter told me.
Webby: Your daughter?
Dewey: Webby? Gosalyn Is Drake adopted father.
Webby: Wait really?
Drake: Ya. I adopted her after her grandfather went missing.
Webby: What happened to him?
Drake: We don't know. Dewey been trying to help me find Gosalyn grandfather but, no luck so far.
Webby: Well, hopefully we can find Gosalyn grandfather.
Dewey: Speaking of Gosalyn, where is she?
Drake: Oh she is up on rooftop. Anyway, I need to talk to you and Launchpad about some important.
Dewey: Webby, can you go to the rooftop and find Gosalyn?
Webby: Sure Dewey.
Then Webby give Dewey a hug and he blush.
Launchpad: So, what do you want to talk to me and Dewey about?
Drake: Well, I didn't want Dewey friends to hear this but, I found out that the beagle boys went to a different junkyard.
Dewey and Launchpad: What!
Dewey: How did you know?
Drake: I got my eyes everywhere.
Launchpad: Really!?
Drake: Actually I got helped finding the beagle boys.
Dewey: Wait I sorry, you have someone help you besides us.
Drake: This person deal with the beagle boys before and he been... good help.
Launchpad: So who is this person helped you finding the beagle boys.
Drake: It was a robot name Gizmoduck.
Dewey: Wait, Fenton help you find the beagle boys.
Drake: Wait he is actually a human.
Dewey: Yes. Gizmoduck It is super suit and his investment to help people and fight evil.
Drake: Well, he did got upset when I called him a robot.
Then the girl came back Inside
Gosalyn: What are you guys talking about?
Drake: Oh... we're... talking about...
Gosalyn: Ha I don't care.
Webby: Well I care.
Dewey: Well, we found out that the beagle boys move Into a new junkyard.
Webby: Really, where?
Drake: It look like they are at Cape Suzette.
Kids: Wait what!
Launchpad: What are they doing there?
Drake: I don't know. I asked Fenton to keep In eye on them but, he is not on the scanner.
Dewey: That because, he is not over there.
Webby: It look like, Fenton Is at McDuck studio.
Dewey: I sorry, Fenton is at what now.
Then Webby grad Dewey and she pointed It on the computer.
Then Drake is getting a called from Fenton.
Drake: Hello.
Fenton: Drake! Are you there?
Drake: Yes I am here.
Fenton: You need to go to McDuck studio immediately.
Drake: Wait, why?
Fenton: Because, McDuck bring a producer and he want to make a Darkwing Duck and Gizmoduck movie.
Drake: What! Are you being serious?
Fenton: Yes. I am not joking you.
Drake: Wow! I can't believe it. I on my way.
Launchpad: What did Fenton want?
Drake: McDuck studio is making a Darkwing and gizmoduck movie.
Everyone: What!
Dewey: Wait, I thought that they didn't want to make any Darkwing movie.
Drake: Well, obviously they changed there mind.
Webby: Ya, I heard what happened over there. I also heard on the news that Jim Starlings Is dead.
Drake: Well, we don't know he is dead or alive.
Launchpad: The new paper said that he went missing and now It been 2 years of him disappearing.
Gosalyn: Obviously this movie is a trap for you and Fenton.
Webby: Why would It be a trap.
Gosalyn: The Studio would have called you If they was going to make a movie about you and Fenton.
Launchpad: That does make sense.
Drake: It doesn't matter. What matters that I am finally going to be on the big screen.
Dewey: Well, we need to go then.
Then they all left Drake hideout to go to McDuck studios.
Meanwhile at McDuck Mansion. Huey and Violet are looking for Magica shadow. Lena and Louie are outside and they are swimming In the pool.
Louie: They been looking for your aunt shadow for hours now.
Lena: Ya but, I mean, they are In there and we are outside and it just you and me.
Then Louie put his arms around Lena and they look at each other and they kissed for 2 minutes until Violet walking near the pool.
Louie: Did you hear that?
Lena: Violet is walking toward us.
Louie: What we do?
Then Lena went under that way she can't seen by Violet. Then Violet was talking to Louie.
Violet: Hey Louie.
Louie: Hey Violet. Did you ever find that shadow yet?
Violet: No. Me and Huey look everywhere, including Webby room.
Louie: Wait you and Huey went In Webby room?
Violet: Well, It was only me who went In her room but, when I was looking for Magica shadow, I found something underneath Lena blankets and... do you know what it was?
Louie: Webby diary.
Violet: Your hoodie.
Louie: Whaaat!!! How did my hoodie end up In Webby room?
Violet: I don't know. Maybe you forgot when you boys was In there yesterday.
Louie: Yes... Yes, that is what happened. I forgot In there.
Violet: But, I don't know why It would be under Lena blankets.
Then Lena was losing air to breathe.
Louie: Hey, I heard Huey called out for you.
Violet: Oh... then I must go then.
Then she went back Inside and Lena went back up and she was coughing.
Louie: I am sorry Lena.
Lena: What took you so long?
Louie: Violet was asking me a lot of questions and I have to make up excuses for it.
Lena: Well, you almost got us caught.
Louie: Okay. I did forgot to grad my hoodie this morning and I am sorry.
Lena: It find but, don't tell go underwater next time.
Louie: It was your decision to go underwater not my.
Meanwhile back at the studio they were about to start making the Darkwing and Gimzoduck movies but, then the light went off and then someone shadow showed and it was Mark Beak.
Mark: Hello Gizmoduck.
Fenton: Mark! How did you find me?
Mark: It wasn't that hard to find you, with this tweet came out.
Fenton: What tweet?
And Fenton read the tweet and the tweet came from Dewey phone.
Dewey: Oh I shouldn't have tweeted about you being In the movie.
Scrooge: Dang it Dewey.
Dewey: I am sorry. I am a 12 year old what did you expect.
Mark: Well, I glad to be here because, I bring some friends of my to deal with you and your friends.
Then out of know where there were these robots called snapper. They robot used there mouths and claw to attack there prey.
Mark: Robot attack Gizmoduck and his friends.
Then Darkwing, Launchpad, and the kids started fighting with the robot.
Fenton: I got Mark and you guys try to fight off the robot.
Drake: Okay.
Then Mark got up on the studio rooftop and then Fenton was right behind him.
Fenton: I got you now Mark!
Mark: No. It I who got you.
Then a helicopter showed up and a ladder came down for mark and he got up on the ladder.
Mark: Until me meet again Gizmoduck.
Fenton: Dang it.
Drake: Fenton what happened?
Fenton: Mark got away on a helicopter.
Drake: Well, then can you come down here. We are getting surrounded and we are corner.
Fenton: Okay.
Then Fenton went downstairs and he saw that they were surrounded. But, then he saw that Gosalyn about got taken and Dewey saved the day.
Dewey: I got you Gosalyn.
Gosalyn: Thank Dewey.
Then a robot came right behind Dewey and it bite his left foot and he screamed but, he managed to destroy the robot but, he In pain and Webby came to him.
Webby: Dewey!!!
Launchpad: Oh no. My best friend got hurt.
Drake: I thought, I was your best friend.
Fenton: Now it not the time to talk.
Webby: We got to take Dewey to the hospital.
Launchpad: No. We need to take him home now before something else happens.
Then they left the studio and when they got to the mansion they took Dewey to the spare bedroom and put him on a bed. Webby wrapped on Dewey put and Huey give the diagnosis.
Huey: Well, Dewey fractured his foot. He needs to rest and he can't be on his feet for a couple weeks.
Scrooge: Thank goodness that he didn't broke his foot.
Huey: We need to let Dewey rest for a bit.
Webby: I am staying here with him.
Huey: I don't think It not a good idea...
Webby: I don't care Huey. My best friend is injured and he need me. He would have done the same thing If it was me.
Huey: Okay. I will leave you alone then.
Then Webby went to her room and grad her nightclothes for tonight and she grad her clothes to change In tomorrow. Then she got in bed and give Dewey a kiss on his cheek.
Webby: Good night Dewey.
(By the way it now night time and that why Webby went to bed.)
Meanwhile at Waddle Mark Beak was on the phone with Negaduck.
Negaduck: Hello. Is this Mark Beak?
Mark: Yes this is Mark Beak. Who am I speaking too.
Negaduck: A friend who want the same thing you want.
Mark: Ya and what is that.
Negaduck: To destroy McDuck families and friends.
Then Mark did a evil 👿 smile
Mark: I listing.
Negaduck: How would you feel to team up with me taking down McDuck family?
Mark: I am In.
Negaduck: Excellent.
The End.
Well, that was a great episode. A lot of stuff happened.
What is your favorite scene?
What is your favorite moments?
Anyway, I will see you all later then.

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