S1 episode 7/ Going to Atlanta City part 1

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Hey guys so I am letting you know that this is my first crossover In my version of DuckTales universe. So just realized and somebody to tell you that this is going to be a another good episode.
(P.S. I give you a hint of what crossover I am doing first.)
(Date August 19.)
It was a beautiful morning In Duckburg. It 6:30 A.M and everyone is still asleep except for Scrooge. Scrooge got a special place called from Bradford this morning.
Scrooge answer his cellphone.
Scrooge: Hello.
Bradford: Ah Mr. McDuck how are you this morning?
Scrooge: I am doing just find Bradford.
Bradford: Good. Very good because, I have some news to tell you.
Scrooge: What it is, Bradford?
Bradford: Well, we are looking for some new members for your busy and we think we have the perfect guy for that spot.
Scrooge: That's good to here.
Bradford: Good.... We want you to go to Atlanta City to meet him and do a interview on him too.
Scrooge: Wait... you want me to go to Atlanta City.
Bradford: We could but, someone have to keep In eye on your money bins.
Scrooge: But, why can't you go to Atlanta City?
Bradford: Because... I have some business I have to take care of ask well.
Scrooge: Oh I see.
Bradford: Can you go to Atlanta City and get him to be part of ours busin... I mean your business?
Scrooge: I guess.
Bradford: Good. Now Mr.Brooks is a University president at Atlanta City University, get him to meet you at his house.
Scrooge: Wait... you want to hire a college president at my business for what...
Bradford: Well, Mr.Brooks is a great leader and he is also smart with business and so we are hiring him for business and to be part of your company.
Scrooge: Well, I guess that makes sense.
Bradford: Indeed.
Scrooge: I will let you know when I get the guy.
Bradford: Good.
Then the phone calls ended.
Scrooge: I can't believe I have to go to Atlanta City by myself... wait, I can asked the kids to go with me.
Meanwhile the boys was sleeping In there room.
(By the way Dewey have move back In his room and Louie and Lena are not a couple yet but, they been spending a lot of time together. Huey and Violet suspect that Louie and Lena are a thing.)
The boys was sleeping until they heard Uncle Scrooge scream.
Then the boys awaken.
Huey: Ahhh...
Dewey: What was that.
Huey: I think, Uncle Scrooge calls a family meeting.
Louie: And he yelled.
Dewey: This have to be important.
Huey: We need to change Into our clothes.
Louie: Or we can stay In our pajamas clothes.
Dewey: Hmm... no. We can change right now.
Louie: Oh... great.
The boys change Into there clothes very quickly, Huey and Dewey ran and they left there room. Louie look around to see it was clear.
Louie: Okay. It looks like the area is clear.
Then Lena pop up out of the blanket.
Lena: I can't believe that you make me stay under here.
Louie: Huey and Dewey might have seen you If you got up.
Lena: Ya that makes sense.
Louie: I just can't believe that you stay In my room last night.
Lena: Technically It your brothers room but, ya I can't believe I stay In here.
Louie: I thought that we was going to get caught.
Lena: Speaking of us... when are you going to tell you brother about us?
Louie: umm... In April.
Lena: Louie, I am serious.
Louie: I am being serious too.
Lena: Come on. Do your brothers don't like me?
Louie: What no... they do like you... it just that... you are older than me.
Lena: I am older than you by 1 year. It that a big deal?
Louie: To me no. But, to my brothers yes. Look, Lena I know we been doing this for 3 months now and I like it but, we haven't been on a real date yet.
Lena: How about this. When we are ready to tell our friends then maybe we can go on a real date.
Louie: I couldn't agree more.
Then they both looked at each other and they we're going to kissed until Scrooge yelled again.
Louie: We better go downstairs before they have a search team looking for us.
Lena: Okay.
Then they both went downstairs and they see everyone is downstairs, Including Daisy.
Louie: Woah look like everyone is here.
Huey: Except for...
Then they here Launchpad honk the limousine and he crashes the limousine.
Launchpad: Mr. McD I am here.
Dewey: What happened Launchpad?
Launchpad: Oh nothing. It wasn't like I crashed the limousine.
Then Scrooge at the window and he saw the limousine crash into a tree.
Scrooge: Anyway, I have some very important news to tell you guys.
Huey: Are you retiring?
Scrooge: No.
Louie: Are you dying from a terrible disease?
Scrooge: No!
Then Lena hit Louie on his shoulder.
Dewey: Are we going on a another dangerous adventure.
Scrooge: Not exactly.
Webby: Are we going on a family trip.
Scrooge: Kind of... Okay so we are going to Atlanta City because, I have a business that I have to take care of and I don't want to go by myself.
Della: Ah so you want us go with you that way you are not alone?
Scrooge: Yes.
Della: Oh okay.
Scrooge: So who want to go to Atlanta City.
Della: Me and the kids will join you.
Donald: I will go.
Daisy: I am coming along the ride too.
Launchpad: Oh I can be your pilot for this trip.
Lena: I would love to go but, me and Violet have to go home.
Violet: Our parents will get mad If we are not at home on time.
Scrooge: Oh okay.
Huey: That unfortunately you can't go with us. I mean, It wouldn't be a trip without you In it.
Webby: Aww...
Violet: That's very sweet of you to say, Huey.
Lena: Violet we have to go.
Violet: Oh right. Bye everyone.
Then the girls left.
Scrooge: Alright. We will leave the mansion In 30 minutes.
Then everyone is getting there stuff pack.
In boys room, they are getting there stuff.
Huey: Clothes check, toothbrush check, my Junior Woodchuck Guide book check.
Louie: Clothes check, hoodies check, and my phone charger check.
Huey: Your not bringing your toothbrush?
Louie: Your taking your JWGB with you?
Huey: I take JWGB everywhere we go. Also, it disgusting that you are not going to brush your teeth on our trip.
Louie: Look, It weird that you take your book everywhere.
Huey: Or like Dewey take his guitar where we go?
Louie: Speaking of Dewey where is he?
Huey: Oh he is probably looking for Webby.
Louie: Ah okay.
Actually Dewey is looking for his mom. Dewey is going to tell his mom that he have a crush on his best friend.
Dewey: Okay Dewey you can do It. Just relaxed and stayed focused. It not like she hate Webby. OMG what If she do hate her. I wouldn't be able to date her and we could never be a couple.
Then Dewey started to panic, he doesn't know what is happening to him. Then he ran Into the bathroom and he stay In there for 5 minutes he is ready to tell mom about likely his best friend.
Meanwhile Della was In her room and she almost got everything packed, then she grad a picture of her and the boys. She was smiling at the picture. Then she heard a knock on her door.
Della: Come In.
It was Dewey.
Dewey: Hey mom.
Della: Sweetie, are you okay?
Dewey: I'm good mom. I just came In here to talk to you.
Della: Talk about what?
Dewey: Mom... I been... having these feelings for this girl I really like and I don't what to say to her. Because, when I get close to her, I can hear my heart beating really fast and I don't know what is happening but, I do know now.
Della: And that girl you like is Webby, right?
Dewey didn't say anything about a minute.
Della: Sweetie is there something else going on that I don't know about?
Dewey: Mom... I think... I am falling In love with my best friend.
Della: Dewey, I know that your age you don't what is love yet but, I am happy that you have a crush and it on your best friend.
Then Della give Dewey a hug and she pinched Dewey Cheek.
Dewey: Mom!
Then they hugged.
Dewey: Thank for understanding me.
Della: Hey I am your mom. I will always understand you and your brothers.
Then Donald came In.
Donald: Della, tell the boys that we are getting ready to go.
Then he saw Dewey.
Donald: Oh... hey Dewey. What are you doing?
Dewey: I was talking to mom about something.
Donald: Oh okay. Well since you are In here, I have something to say.
Dewey: Tell my brother that we are getting ready to leave for Atlanta City.
Donald: Yes.
Dewey: Okay. I will tell them.
Then Dewey left.
Donald: What was you guys talking about?
Meanwhile Webby was In her room getting her bag packed.
Webby: Skirted check, toothpaste check, toothbrush check, hairbrush check, pajama clothes check, my swimsuit check and this.
It was a picture of her and Dewey, it was a picture of them outside and they were kissing.
Webby: Okay you got everything you need for the trip but, there one more thing you have to do.
Webby was going to tell her granny about her feelings she been having for quite some time now.
Webby got out of her room and she went to the kitchen and see there that Miss Beakley was making her some tea.
Webby: Hey Granny.
Beakley: Hey darling. Are you ready for this trip?
Webby: Yes I am ready for this trip.
But, Miss Beakley can tell that there something wrong with Webby.
Beakley: Webby, is there something that you need to tell me.
Webby: Actually Granny there is something that I need to tell you.
Beakley: Oh okay.
Webby: For the past few weeks I been having these weird feelings and I didn't know what was these feelings were but, I do now.
Beakley: What does these feelings mean?
Webby: I have a crush on my best friend.
Beakley knew that Webby like Dewey. She actually knew that Webby was going to talk about him.
Beakley: Webby, I know that you have crush on Dewey.
Webby: What! How did you know... oh right you are a spy the.
Beakley: Yes but, I can also tell the way you look at him and everything that you have In common. Dewey is a perfect fit for you. So I know that we agree you can start dating any boys you want but, I knew that Dewey is perfect for my angel.
Webby: Thank Granny.
Then they started hugging and then they heard Scrooge scream again.
Scrooge: Everyone! We are about to leave! Don't forget to get your stuff In the airplane!
Webby: Are you coming with us, Granny?
Beakley: No. Someone have to keep In eye on this mansion for Mr.McDuck.
Then they hugged.
Beakley: Have fun on your trip and don't get any trouble.
Webby: I won't granny.
Then Webby went outside and she got In the airplane. Then everyone got In the airplane.
Donald: So who is flying this plane.
Della: I am going to fly and Launchpad Is my co pilot.
Launchpad: Wait... I am a what now?
Launchpad was confused.
Della: I know that you was post to fly the plane Launchpad but, I can fly the plane and you can be my co pilot is something went wrong.
Launchpad: I mean, It would be cool to have someone up there helping me fly the plane. Alright you can help me.
Della: Good.
Then they started the plane engine and they are about to leave for Atlanta City.
Scrooge: Next stop Atlanta City.
Then the plane starts to move, Della and Launchpad pull up on the plane steering wheel and the plane starts to fly.
Meanwhile In Atlanta City at Mr. Brooks house, Harold got a call from Bradford.
Harold Brooks: Hello.
Bradford: Mr. Brooks I have to inform you that you got a very special interview from our own founder of Scrooge McDuck.
Harold Brooks: Wait... Your saying that Mr.McDuck want to interview me?
Bradford: Yes. He said that you are perfect for this spot and we need someone like you for this company.
Harold Brooks: I don't know what to say.
Bradford: Well, how about let have a interview first before we start drinking If you know what I mean.
Harold Brooks: Oh yes. I don't want to be dehydrated for the interview.
Bradford: I didn't mean... yes get something to drink and I hope we can talk soon.
Harold Brooks: I hope we can too.
Then Bradford end the called and Mr Brooks was so happy that he started to tears up.
Then Mia came In her dad office.
Mia: Dad are you okay.
Harold: Yes. Everything is find sweetie.
Mia: Well, I didn't know because, it sounds like... dad are you crying.
Harold: Oh... umm...
Mia: Okay what is going on? Did something bad happen to Veronica?
Harold: No. Nothing bad happens to her. It just that I think... I think, I just got job of a life time.
Mia: You got the job?
Harold: Well, It not fully a done job deal but, I think, I got this thing wrapped up.
Mia: That's great dad. I am so happy for you.
Harold: Thank sweetie.
Mia: So where are you going to have the meeting?
Harold: At the house.
Mia: Oh...okay.
Harold: What wrong?
Mia: Nothing. It just that my friends post to come here and hang out.
Harold: Well, maybe you guys can go somewhere else just for today and hopefully If I do get the job we can have a party for it.
Mia: That will be great dad.
Then Mia got a phone call from Lake.
Mia: It Lake. I have to take this.
Harold: Okay sweetie.
Then Mia left her dad office.
Meanwhile at Victor apartment, Victor was getting ready to go to Brasstown Coffee for his shift.
Victor: Hey so, after work I am going to hang out with my friend.
Isabel: Okay. Have fun with your friends.
Then Victor walked to the door and he left his apartment and started walking to Brasstown until he saw Felix.
Victor: Felix!
Felix: Hey Vic!
Victor: I didn't see you this morning.
Felix: Ya. I was taking a walk on this amazing day.
Victor: Ya, I guess It is a beautiful day out.
Felix: Anyway, have you seen Mia posted.
Victor: No. I haven't.
Felix: Well, you may want to take a look at it.
Then Victor read Mia post.
Felix: I think, Mia dad got the job.
Victor: Wait, the Stanford job?
Felix: No. He got a offer from a multi millionaire company.
Victor: Wait. How did you know this from her post.
Felix: Actually Lake told me just a couple minutes ago.
Victor: Oh... so you and Lake are...
Felix: Oh no. We are not together... actually I been seeing Pilar.
Victor: Wait... you and Pilar are back together?
Felix: Technically no but, I think I got a another chance to date your sister.
Victor: Well, I am glad for you.
Felix: Thank buddy.
Then they started walking to Brasstown Coffee and they see that It is open.
Meanwhile at Lake house, Mia and Lake was talking.
Mia: So... How are things going with you and Lucy?
Lake: It couldn't been any better.
Mia: I glad to hear that.
Lake: So, where is your boy toy at?
Mia: Andrew have basketball practice but, I am sure he will be here soon.
Then the door bell ring.
Lake: Is that Andrew?
Mia: I don't think so.
Lake open the door and It was Lucy.
Lake Lucy!
Lucy: Hey Lake!
Lucy and Lake hugged and they kissed for a few seconds.
Lake: I thought that you wasn't available to hang out with us today?
Lucy: I actually got the day off today.
Lake: That amazing.
Then Lucy saw Mia.
Lucy: Hey Mia.
Mia: Hi Lucy.
Lucy: Where the boys at?
Mia: Umm...
Lake: Victor and Benji are working. Andrew have Basketball practice but, they said that they will meet us at the park.
Lucy: How about we meet them at Brasstown?
Lake: That's a great idea.
Mia: Yes. I agree too.
Lucy: Okay. I will texted Benji then.
(5 minutes later.)
Then got a text message from Benji.
Lucy: He said, that can work and he also said that Felix and Rahim will join us.
Mia: That's find they join us.
Meanwhile back In Duckburg, Negaduck was working on his next plan for his phased. So he called Scrooge greatest rival.
Negaduck: Hello. Is that Flintheart Glomgold?
Glomgold: It is. Who are you?
Negaduck: A friend.
Glomgold: A friend umm...
Negaduck: I am a Duck that you want to impress.
Glomgold: Impress! Why do I have to Impress you?
Negaduck: Because, I can get you what you deserve.
Glomgold: Ya and what's that?
Negaduck: To become the richest duck In the world.
Glomgold: I am listening.
Negaduck: How would you join me defeat Scrooge McDuck and his family and friends.
Glomgold: I agree to help you but, leave Scrooge to me.
Negaduck: Excellent 😈. I will send you more details about my plans but, for right now. I need you to find more people who can join us to defeat Scrooge McDuck and his family and friends.
Glomgold: You got it boss.
That was very interesting episode.
Will Louie tell his brother about him and Lena?
Will Webby ever tell Dewey about her feelings for him?
Will Harold join Scrooge business?
All your questions will be answered In the next episode of DuckTales.
I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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