Villain Au

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Disclaimer!: Cursing, suicide attempt, Gay

Izuku's POV

I am at the top of the school eating lunch alone like always when Kacchan and his group of 'friends' surround me. "Sup loser," one of them says. Another one kicks my water over, spilling it all over my pants, then takes my food and throws it over the edge of the building. "Hey deku, you should follow your food's example and throw yourself off the top of the building." They all laughed at the comment, even Kacchan. The one person I thought I could count on was standing over top of me, telling me to go kill myself. 

So I did, or tried to at least. I waited for the perfect moment to do it too. One that would traumatize Kacchan and all of his friends, or at the least most of them. I had asked the teachers if I could use the bathroom 15 minutes before the bell rang, so I had enough time to get up to the roof. After I got up there, I sat and waited until I saw Kacchan leave the building. I stood up, and jumped. I watched the ground get closer and closer until BAM! I had hit the ground so hard that the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Kacchan's  horrified expression splattered with blood, my blood. 

The next thing I know, I am in a strange room with a bunch of random people in it. I think I heard someone sigh in relief, but it was probably my imagination. "Go get boss Toga, the boy is finally awake," I hear a blue haired guy say. "Where am I? Also why am I still alive?" "You are in a villain base, and you're alive because we scooped you off the ground and brought you here to save you." "Whatever. Why do you all look so funny anyway?" "Because we are villains kid, keep up," Another guy with black hair and stapled skin said. "Don't mind him, he isn't good with new people. My name is shigaraki, The black hair burnt toast looking dude is Dabi, The girl I sent out of the room earlier is toga, and the dude with the flames for a face is Koguri. We are publicly known as the League Of Villains, or the LOV." "Umm okay, why did you help me if you are villains then?" "Well, you are kinda our boss's son, he is the one that saved you." Right then, a man with a messed up face and a mask got wheeled into the room. "Hello my son, long time no see." "Yeah no kidding," I scoffed. "I have a question for you, if I was ever so gracious enough to give you some of my quirks, would you join the LOV?" "of course I would, it's not like the hero society would want the son of a villain to be a hero anyways." "Great, then meet me up in my office when you have recovered enough to be able to walk." And I did just that.

 When I got up there he put his hands on my forehead, and I could feel the quirks rush into my body. I passed out after he was done, but before I did that I changed my mind on what I wanted to be when I grew up. I no longer wanted to be the number one hero, I wanted to be the number one villain.  

Bakugou's POV   

 It all happened so fast. One second I was making plans to meet up with one of my friends later that day, the next I see deku's body hit the ground splattering blood everywhere. And the funny part is, it's all my fault. Me and my friends had just told him to jump off the same exact room not even five hours before this. I haven't been the same since, or at least that's what my mom seems to think. I overheard her talking on the phones with someone, and that is what she said. She thinks that I need to talk about it with someone, but I can't talk to anyone about it. They would all call me crazy, insane, or even delusional if I told them what was going on. I see deku every night, looking through my window. And every night he always has a gun in one hand but on the other is some sort of green flame. I know I am just going crazy though, because deku is quirkless. So even in the very small possibility that he is still alive, he would never have a quirk because that is impossible. 

Time Skip (To the usj attack)  

"Everyone calm down, the pro heroes will be here soon!" I hear someone yell from the crowd. I saw stuff moving in the forest so I went towards it, hoping that it was some weak ass villain that I could beat up. "Oh bed guy, I know you're here. Come out and fight me like a man." "And who says that all bad guys are men?" I jumped a little at the unexpected response. I looked around trying to find the owner of the voice, but with no luck I kept talking to maybe get the villain the reveal their location. "Well if you're not a man then this would hardly be a fair fight," I said, hoping to get a negative reaction. People are more careless when they are acting negatively. "I know you're just trying to get under my skin Katsuki, but it's not working." I look up, hoping to see if that's where they were, but again no luck. "You know, you seem like a little wuss, hiding instead of fighting me." "That's what is wrong with your generation. You guys only want to fight, you have no interest in talking things out like civilized beings anymore." And then a person stepped out from behind one of the clusters of trees. He had a mask on, but I would know that hair from anywhere. "Deku...?"

Izuku's POV 

"Deku....?" "That's right Kacchan, it's me deku. Oh and would you look at that, I have a quirk now, so it's gonna be a lot harder to just throw me around like a little rag doll like you used to." "But you're not Deku, Deku killed himself 11 months ago, right in front of my face." "Oh but that's the funny thing, I didn't die. Yeah I thought I was dead there for a second too, but nope." The look on Kacchan's face was what I had been wanting to see ever since he started bullying me. But for some reason, I felt bad for him. I felt bad because I had banbusaled Kacchan into thinking that I was dead ust to torture him. "Kacchan, i'm - i'm sorry for what I did." Wait, why was I apologizing. It was him who needed to apologize, and yet there I was. "No Deku, I am sorry. For everything, I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I was just scared that you would hurt yourself trying to become a hero. I was scared that since you didn't have a quirk that you would get killed, and I couldn't have the person that I loved the most die when I could be doing something about it. So as kid logic, I thought that if I bullied you hard enough, then you would eventually give up, and then I would never have to worry about you getting hurt." Iran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. We fell to the ground and he cried for the first time in my presence. "Deku, no, Izuku I love you. Please don't ever leave me again." Then he kissed me. "Kacchan, you could get in a lot of trouble if you started dating me. I mean I am still a villain and all." "I don't really care what they think deku. All I know is that you aren't dead, and that I don't want to spend another second of my life without you." "Kacchan, what are you trying to say?" "Deku, will you be my boyfriend?" "Yes!" .........The End

Thank you all so much for reading this. Just a little warning that not all of these stories will end in a happy ending, I just wanted to start you guys off easy. If you have any ideas that you wanna see in another one, please comment it and I will try my hardest to come up with a story that would show that. Don't worry I will give you credit for it at the beginning and end of the story, I know a few authors  who don't do that and it pisses me off if i'm honest. Anyways, I hope you all have a good night/day.                  (1476 words)

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