One Last Call

437 4 7

Genre - Very Sad

Warnings - Gay, Mention Of Death, Might Make You Cry, Made Me Cry Writing It, They Are Adults

Word Count - 475

No One's POV

Izuku had just gotten stabbed with a poison tip knife when he knew he was gonna die. He grabbed his phone and immediately dialed his husband's phone number. *Ring**ring* "Hello, Izuku are you close to being home? You said that you would get off parole early to come spend time with me for our anniversary. Also I have a surprise for you after dinner." "That sounds great hunny. I might be a little longer than expected though, I'm sorry. You do know I love you right?" "Of course I do. If you didn't I would have to beat your ass, dumb ass nerd asking dumb ass questions like always." "So how was your day?" "It was boring without you here. Kinda lonely in an empty house. How about your day?" "Stressful. Today was a high crime day, and let's say the villains did not take it easy on me. I am sore in places I didn't know you could be sore in." "Oh I'm sorry baby. How about when you get home I can give you a back massage, hmm?" "That would be lovely babe."

"How much longer until you are home?" "Not much longer now babe, just a few more minutes." Izuku started coughing up blood, and tried to muffle the sound, but failed at doing so. "Babe are you okay? You haven't come down with anything, have you?" "No I'm fine, just some allergies. I'm sure they will clear right up when I see your beautiful face though." "Stop being so cheesy you dipwad, it's not like this is the last time you are gonna talk to me or something like that." "Well you can never be so sure, now can you babe?" "I guess not. Are you sure there isn't anything wrong? You seem off..." "I am sure that everything is completely fine. Please stop worrying about me." "Okay, fine. Whatever nerd."

After a bit of silence Izuku feels a rush of pain hit him like a bus and he knows that he is going to die soon. "Kacchan please remember that I will always love you. No matter what. No matter if I'm dead or alive okay?" "I love you too dipshit." Then Izuku hung up the call, making sure to leave the painful sounds of his last breaths for only him to hear.

That's it for this chapter! Sorry this one is so short, but that's why I chose it. I didn't really feel like writing a whole lot over the weekend so I decided on something a little easier to do. Hope you all enjoyed the story. I hope you have a wonderful day/night and as always stay safe! Love y'all<3

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