Dead Parents AU (Deku Version)

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Genre - Angst/Fluff

WordCount - 955

Warnings - Gay, Dead Inko, Gore, Descriptive Death, Izuku Aizawa, Cussing

A/N - If you have any problems with blood or if you have trauma from your parents, or someone close to you, dying then I would suggest you click off. Also this ' means that they are on a call. Love y'all <3

No One's POV

'Haha Mitsuki you're killing me girl!' 'Sorry, sorry. It was too funny for me not to tell you haha.' 'I love you girl. Talk to you later?' 'Definitely. Love you more, bye.' 'bye.' Inko hung up the phone and looked up to see that a car had started to slow down in front of her. She slammed on her brakes, but she wasn't fast enough. The front of her car rammed into the back of a semi, throwing her out of the front window. She did five flips in the air before splattering on the ground, flinging blood on nearby cars and roads and people with their windows down due to impact. Even after all that she wasn't completely dead, but a speeding car came her way and smashed her head in, closing the deal with her inevitable visit with death. 

About six hours after Inko's death Izuku got the call that she had died. 'Hello?' 'Hi is this, ummm, Izuku Midoriya?' 'Yes this is he.' 'You are the son of Inko Midoriya, correct?' 'Yes? What's wrong? Did something happen to my mom?' 'Umm, well yes....' 'What! What happened!?' 'Umm well, she may have, sorta kinda, died.....' 'WHAT!' 'Hello kid, this is doctor Matthews, your mom has died in a serious car crash. We tried everything that we could to save her, but there was nothing much we could really do. Her heart had already stopped by the time we got to the scene.' 

Izuku moved his phone away from his ear and just sat in despair. 'Kid? Are you still there?' 'Umm yeah, I will be over in a bit to come see her.' Izuku hung up and started crying, knowing that he didn't even get to tell his mom goodbye.

Time Skip (The Next Day)          

Izuku got up and the first thing he noticed was the fact that his eyes were almost swollen shut from crying last night. *Knock* "Who is it?" "It's Bakugou, open your door nerd." Izuku walked over to the door, but stopped himself remembering that he hadn't told Bakugou the news yet. "Nerd I can see the shadow of your feet, just open the damned door." Izuku opened the door to be met with a hug by the older male. "Kacchan?" "The hospital called the old hag last night and told her what had happened. I overheard the conversation..." "Oh..." "It's okay Deku, you can let it all out."

Izuku's POV

I stood there for a moment with my arms wrapped around Kacchan, and started to relax my muscles. I hadn't even realized I was so tense until he told me that he knew about my mom. I started to cry in Kacchan's arms. He picked me up and brought me over to my bed laying me down with him on it. "We are going to stay here for the day and relax and cry and watch movies and do anything that you want. I told Mr.Aizawa what happened and he said for me to tell you that you can't take any longer than two and a half weeks off. Any more than that and he will have to start giving you zeros on homework." 

"You did all this for me?" "Yes. I loved Auntie with my whole heart, and I know you did too. This must be really hard on you and I want to make sure that you are able to recover from this properly. Mostly because if I left it up to you, you would just pike more work on yourself to distract you from the fact that this hurts you."

We cuddled on my bed some more, and I cried myself back to sleep. Kacchan woke me up again around 12p.m so I could go eat lunch. "I'm not really that hungry Kacchan." "You're going to fucking eat whether you like it or not. Where you eat doesn't bother me though. So if you want me to take your food and bring it in here, so be it. But you will eat everything on your damned plate." "Okay okay Kacchan. But i'm only eating if you come in here to eat with me." "I was gonna do that anyways nerd." 

Time Skip (Later That Night)    

"Lay down and get some rest Deku." "Are you going to come and lay down with me?" "Depends on how well you listen to me." "Okay, i'm in bed." "I have to brush my teeth and change into my pj's, then I will come lay down." After Kacchan got done doing his nightly routine he came and laid down with me, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me closer to him so I could lay my head down on his chest. "Mhh hey Deku, can I tell you something that might scare you." "Sure Kacchan. What is it?" "I love you." I laid there in shock for about a minute before raising my head and kissing him on his beautiful lips. 

It didn't take long for Kacchan to start kissing me back, and after what felt like forever, I broke the kiss. "Does this mean that you want to be my boyfriend?" "Yes." 

Hey that's it for this chapter. Sorry it's kinda sorta late. I don't really have all that much motivation for it right now, but at the same time I do. Have a good day/night and as always stay safe. Love y'all <3 

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