Xoxo - Deku

353 7 0

Genre - Angst

Word Count - 420 words

Warnings - Gay, Dead Bakugou

Izuku's POV?

Dear Kacchan,              

                               Its been a year since you have left me. Its hard, being without you I mean. Its like I'm only half of me, if that makes any since. I like to believe that you are sitting next to me right now, reading this over my shoulder. I also would like to believe that you have been with me since you left, watching over me and protecting me the best you can. I don't have very many friends anymore. My squad left me a week after you passed. They said it was because I was crying over someone that didn't deserve it and I yelled at them. I hang out with the bakusquad from time to time. They have never left my side. They make me feel at homr, and I always have so much fun when I am around them. The fun and happiness doesn't last though. I always feel so guilty afterwords. I mean who wouldnt, I am hanging out with YOUR squad to make myself feel better about your death. But it shouldn't be me hanging out and having gun with them, it should be you, but you cant. I don't eat much anymore. I think its cause you aren't here to yell at me to "eat some supper you damned nerd!" I dont do much in the hero community either, I sit back and let other people take to job. I would probably just mess up the mission anyways. I mostly just hang out with Toga and Dabi and Shiggy while everyone is away. They have helped me alot. I would like to believe I have helped them to. Shiggy has stopped killing so much, Dabi has settled down with Hawks, and I let toga take a pint of blood every week so she doesn't have to go kill people for some blood. You mom has sold the house and your parents have moved in with my mom so they could all convert and take care of each other. I haven't got the balls to go and see your parents yet. I feel if I go and see your parents broken and shattered hearts through their eyes I would never be able to hold myself together. I have been sleeping in your room. It still smells like you. I miss you so much it hurts. It hurts so much. I love you Kacchan, I love you so much. 



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