Until The Day I Die (Part 2)

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!Warning! - Gay, Cussing, Rape, Smut, "Toys", Yandere Kirishima, gore (Probably), Suicide, 

Izuku's POV

My breath is getting shaky and i'm starting to get hungry. I don't know how much longer I can hide here. I don't wanna let Kacchan down, but it has been three days. I worried about him. 'I need to get out of here, i'm sorry Kacchan.' I started to all fours and shuffle backwards out of the hole in his wall. He told me I had to hide here cause someone was after me, but I need to eat and find him. After what felt like forever I finally got out. I immediately went looking for Kacchan. When I went into the common room everyone was sitting around crying. "DEKU!" I jumped at the sudden sound. 

Everyone came up to me and hugged me. They then told me that Kirishima had kidnapped Kacchan, but they don't where they are at. My blood started to boil and I told Todoroki to take me to Mr.Aizawa. "Where were you problem child!?" "That's not important, you tell me everything you know about where Kirishima took Kacchan." "Not until you tell me where you were at." "I said that's not fucking important okay!?" "Okay, let's just calm down. We think that they are over in this area." He took down a map from the ceiling and pointed to downtown Kamakura. "But that's like 100 miles from here." "Exactly, we went to all the train stations and they said that they had seen them get on. They had a ticket to Biei which is only 5 miles from Kamakura." 

I was burning with rage. "How dare he try to take my Kacchan away from me!" "Midoriya we need you to calm down." "NO! I need you to understand that I don't give a fuck what you need. You are going to get me a ticket to Biei and stay out of my way. I'm going to go find Kacchan." "No you aren't, we already have pro heroes on this." "Well clearly they don't know how to do their jobs if they haven't found him yet." "Even All MIght?" "Even that bitch All Might."  I stomped off and out of the building.    

"Hey we have umm special orders not to let you leave this building." It was a stupid fucking security guard. He tried to grab me to stop me from leaving the building, but I just flicked him aside. He flew in the air and smashed against a concrete wall on the other side of campus. The rest of the guards tried to stop me as well but the same fate ended that for them too. I took a taxi to the train station and got a ticket for Biei. And before I could get on the train, someone else had  tried to stop me. Without looking who it was I punched them in the face and got on the train. Once on the train I turned around to see who had tried to stop me, and I saw Todoroki. I felt nothing but anger, but still texted him a quick apology before the train left. 

After an hour and half I made it to Biei. I immediately flagged down a taxi and told the guy to take me to Kamakura. 'i'm going to beat Kirishima's ass,' I was thinking the whole twenty minutes to Kamakura. Once there I went to every building there was. After about forty-five buildings I found a sorta abandoned looking one with some blood on the porch. I kicked in the door and went looking for Kacchan. I looked through the doors first, then I started to throw furniture. After knocking over every chair and flipping over all the beds and couches I found a secret door behind a bookshelf in the master room. 

I slowly walked down the stairs to make sure he didn't hear me. "Ahhh please, p-please stop." "Mmmm but you look so sexy like this love~" That was the last straw. I jumped down the last six stairs and ran up to Kirishima, grabbing his neck and pushing him up against the wall. I took the remote for the viberator he put in Kacchan's ass and turned it off, seeing him visibly relax in the corner of my eye. I punched Kiri in the face, breaking his nose. Then I kneed him in the balls and dropped him on the floor. then I got on top of him and continually punched him. I only stopped when Kacchan started screaming, saying that I was gonna kill him. 

I got off of Kirishima and went up to Kacchan, untying him. "Do you still want to be my boyfriend Deku?" "Of course I do Kacchan. What made you think that I wouldn't?" "Kiri said that you wouldn't want to date someone who had been tainted by someone else." "Kiri is a fucking bitch, and he doesn't know what he is talking about. I will always love you Kacchan." "I love you too nerd." I sat down on the bed and held Kacchan, until I heard a loud bang and Kacchan was crying. "What's wrong?" "You.... he.... he just shot you!" "What?" I look down and I see blood pooling around my abdomen area. "He did, that bitch." I tried to get up to go beat him up some more but fell to my knees, clutching my stomach. Kacchan fell next to me laying me on my back and putting pressure on my wound. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" "You are what is wrong with me Bakubro! I love you, but you don't love me back. So I had to kill the one you love so you can love me." "I will never fucking love you." 

"You will have no choice after he dies." "I will have a choice, and I do have a choice. You're fucking insane and I will never love you." Kacchan flipped Kirishima off and hugged me tighter. I started to cough up blood and I knew there wasn't much time for me. "Kacchan I need to tell you something." "Yeah Nerd?" "I have a phone in my pocket, take it. Go to the bathroom and text Mr.Aizawa that i'm dying and then send him our location. Kirishima won't have very much time with how much blood he is losing either." A tear rolled down is face as he whispered okay and did as I asked. By this time me and Kirishima are both collapsed on the floor, fighting for our lives.

Kacchan came out of the bathroom and told me that Mr.Aizawa said that he is gonna be taking the helicopter so he should be here in thirty minutes. "I'm not gonna last that long Kacchan. I love you, please remember that." "No. Shut up you stupid nerd, you're not going to die. There is a closet in the next room. I'm going to go in there and find something to patch you up with." But before he even got up I passed out.

Bakugou's POV    

"Deku!? Deku please wake up!" "He's not going to wake up idiot." "Shut up Kirishima, he still has a pulse." I shot up and ran to the other and started to shuffle through the stuff in there. Most of it was just sex toys and jackets but then I found a thread and a needle and I knew what I had to do. I ran back into the room with deku and stuck my finger in his bullet wound, searching for the bullet. After about a minute and a half I found it and pulled it out. Then I stitched him up and put him on the bed. 

"Hey are you gonna come stitch me up too?" "No, fuck you." I flipped him off, and cradled Deku in my arms. His bleeding went down, but he still hasn't woken up yet. "Pro Heroes, put your hands in the air!" It was Mr.Aizawa and Present Mic. "Mr.Aizawa please hurry. I had to stitch him up, but I don't know if it's gonna last." "Okay. Michael take Midoriya and Bakugou to the nearest hospital. I will deal with Kirishima properly." "Ohhh umm hey Mr.Aizawa! Do you think you could maybe take me to the hospital too?" "Oh yeah we will be going to the prison hospital though." "Oh..."

The Next Day  

I woke up and Deku was already awake. He was watching TV, playing with my hair. I decided to not move, mostly cause the head scratches feel good. "Hey Kacchan what do you want for breakfast?" My face instantly got red. "How did you know I was even awake?" "Your breathing patterns are different when you are awake v.s. when you are asleep." "Oh well I was thinking biscuits and gravy." "Ohhh yeah, that sounds really good." I got up and called for a nurse to ask her if there were any nearby places that I could go to us biscuits and gravy.  

Time Skip

 After about two weeks, the hospital let Deku go and we were able to get back to our normal everyday lives. Sometimes Deku has little ptsd episodes, but the doctors said that would be normal for the first year or two, And that the only reason that he was so calm when he was saving me was because of adrenaline. But we will be fine. I love him and he loves me, so even if it is life or death, we will always be okay.

That's all for this chapter! I hope y'all liked it. This one is one of my favorites so far, and I think that I did really well. I hope it wasn't too long though. Also the end doesn't really make all that much sense, but it's whatever ya know? Anyways hope you're having a good day/night, and as always stay safe. Love yall <3                                  (1648 Words)   

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