Ghost Au

833 10 6

Warning: Suicide, Possible insanity, against, slight gayness

Izuku's POV

  "Actually I think there is a way you could get a quirk. Pray that you get one in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of a building." That's what Kacchan said to me. It has been playing on loop, over and over in my head. How could he? He is supposed to be my best friend. I'm gonna make him pay for making my life a living hell. I followed Kacchan home that night, hoping that he was gonna be home alone. His mom was there, but left after she sent Kacchan to bed. "Love you brat, good night." "Love you too old hag." I waited till I heard his mom pull out of the driveway and into the road to launch my plan. I went to the kitchen and grabbed what I hoped was their sharpest knife out of the knife holder. I slowly crept up the stairs, and to Kacchan's room. I opened the door to see him facing the opposite direction, probably trying to sleep. I walked to the end of his bed, waiting for him to see me. He didn't so I called out for him. "Oh Kacchan~" I said. He turned over, and looked at me in horror. "Deku, what are you doing." His voice broke as he said it. "This is for all the things you have ever done to me Kacchan." Then I slit my throat right in front of him. He screamed at the sight and started crying. When his mom came back in the morning she found him rocking and muttering to himself in the corner. She then found my body in his room. She called an ambulance even though we all knew I was already dead. Kacchan didn't go to school for a week and a half after that. But when he did go back to school that's when the fun started. I would appear in the corner of his eye, in the mirror of the bathroom, and even at the end of his bed when he tried to go to sleep. After two weeks of doing that, I started to talk to him, taunting him. I would tell him that he is crazy, that he is going insane, and that no one will believe him if he tries to tell them. He is nobody. I have started to watch him sleep. I know he knows that I watch him cause I can feel his body tense when I look at him. Sometimes he cries himself to sleep, saying stuff like he is sorry and that he should have never done the things he has done to me. 

Time Skip (Two Months Later)         

Kacchan has started to get used to me being around all the time. He has actually started to talk with me. Everyone thinks that he is crazy, only cause they can't see me. I have forgiven Kacchan and I am actually having fun hanging out with him. I have helped him with tests and homework by looking at the answers on the teachers desk. I know that's cheating but I feel bad for torturing him. His grades started to slip after he watched me die, so I thought that this was only fair. Kacchan asked me a good question the other day tho. He asked me why I was a ghost right now. I had already forgiven Kacchan for bullying me, and he has already forgiven me for traumatizing him that night, so I don't know why I am still a ghost. I have never seen another ghost my whole time being one, so i'm pretty lonely. I wish I had never killed myself that day. I wish I was still alive. "Hey Deku, something is bothering you I can tell. What's up?" Right as he asked I started to cry. I told him how I was feeling and that I wished I had never killed myself and that I was so sorry for everything I had done to him. I cried and cried that night, not knowing what else to do. Kacchan held me all night long, and the next morning I woke up in a bright place that I could only assume was heaven. I was so happy, but sad at the same time. I was gonna miss seeing and talking to Kacchan. But the next day I saw Kacchan up here with me......

Hey guys! Sorry this one is so short, I kinda ran out of ideas for it ha-ha. Thank you all so much for reading this story and I hope that you all continue to read. Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all so much, have a good day <3      (794 words)

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