Suit and Sexy Red Dress

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Erin's P.O.V
I got a call from Hank really early in the morning saying we caught a case. He told me to dress super nice cause were going undercover. He told me to tell Jay to wear a suit too. I got up and put on one of my sexy form fitting red dresses and my black stilettos then I went into the bathroom, did my hair and makeup. Then I went to wake up Jay. He was snoring loudly so he couldn't hear me call his name, which I called out five times, loudly I might add. I picked up a pillow and threw it at him . He sprang up in the bed and looked around, alerted. Once he saw me he propped himself up on his hands and leaned back on them. "Wow! What's the occasion?" he asked. "Voight called. Said we needed to dress fancy cause we're going undercover. And you mister, have to wear a suit." I said walking out of the bedroom. His hand quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him and said, "You know I love you, right?" "Yes, of course. I love you too," I said then he gave me a quick peck on the lips and went to get ready. But not before slapping me on the butt as I was exiting the room. When he finished getting ready we quickly hustled out the door and when we arrived at the district I had to take off my stilettos and run cause I didn't want to be late. Not again. I got up to the Bullpen and all the guys were staring at me, except Voight. "Wow," said Ruzek. "Alright, we're done, everyone put your tongues back in your mouth and close them. You'll catch flies," I said with an attitude. "There's like a million things I could say right now, but I'm going to be a gentleman and not say them," he said turning to go take his seat at his desk. "Yeah. That'd be wise," I said sitting at my own desk. "Have you guys seen Halstead?" I asked. "Nah. we thought he was with you," said Antonio. "He was," I said looking to see if he was in the break room. "I'm going to go look for him. I'll be right back." I said going to look for my partner.

Jay's P.O.V

I was hiding in the interrogation room waiting for Antonio to come get me. I knew she would go looking for me sooner or later. I heard five knocks on the door indicating she wasn't in the Bullpen anymore. I then knew I had little time before she would come back saying she had no luck, so I acted quickly. I threw rose pedals, everywhere. Then I heard the clicking of her heels coming back up the stairs. "What's going on?" she asked looking at the rose pedals on the ground. I took her hand and pulled her to the middle of the Bullpen floor. I handed her a bouquet of red roses and took a deep breath. "Erin Lindsay, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever placed my eyes on. I went to Voight and asked him for his blessing yesterday night. Then of course I had to go to Antonio and Ruzek to get there's cause I know how important I are to them and vise versa. I would like- no love, to spend the rest of my life with such an amazing, awesome, badass girl like you. Will you please make me the happiest man on the planet and be Erin Halstead?" I pulled the ring out and showed it to her. She was blown away. By then she was crying tears of joy. Hopefully. She took the ring and placed it on her left ring finger and said, "Yes Jay. I will be Erin Halstead." I got off my knee and picked her up and kissed her endlessly. The whole unit clapped for us and our engagement. Even Burgess, Roman and Platt where there. Soon enough it was time to go to work. We had just got a case. For real this time.

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