Good Girls Go Bad

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              Erin's P.O.V
TOMORROW! Okay, how did our wedding come so fast?! My sister, Brett, Nadia, Kim and I were going out tonight for my bachelorette party and I don't know why but I felt like something bad going to happen. The doorbell rang and snapped me out of my thoughts. Must be the girls. I opened he door and stood face to face with my mom. "What do you want, Bunny?" I sneered. "Now Erin, that's no way to talk to your mother," she said as if she was a good mom. "Oh go piss up a rope," I spat back. "I just came over to see you before your wedding day," she said happily. I didn't invite her. Why should I? She was never there for me. "Okay, you saw me, now leave," I said harshly. "Fine!" she turned around and left. Away to ruin my night! The girls picked me up and I told them about my encounter with Bunny. "Don't let her ruin your night," Nadia said handing me a glass of champagne. "Yeah I know, she just gets on my nerves!" "I know Erin." After we finished our champagne, we started ordering shots, shots and more shots. by our 5th round, we had no idea what we were doing. Some random guy started flirting with me and he clearly didn't understand what go away meant. " C'mon hun, let's have some fun," he said. "Get away from me you pig, I'm not interested," I said pushing him away. Not a smart move. He came and grabbed my hips. I was beyond done with this guys. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled at him. All the girls turned their attention towards me. They walked over, "Hey, what's the problem?" asked Kim. "Nothing, princess is just playing hard to get, that's all," BAM! I punched him as hard as I could. "Get fucking lost you man whore!" My sister yelled at him. Man I love these girls. I guess good girls go bad sometimes.

              Jay's P.O.V
Erin came home and told me about her eventful night. Everything from feeling like something bad was gonna happen, to Bunny showing up, to her sister yelling at some guys who was hitting on Erin. I'm happy nothing happened at my bachelor party but it sucks that Erin's night was ruined because of her "mom" and some random stranger. Well, hopefully the wedding will make up for it! I have such an amazing gift for Erin and I hope she loves it! I can't wait for tomorrow. 

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