The Surprise!

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              Jay's P.O.V
As soon as I step out of the car, I literally almost eat crap by tripping over a curb. Wow thanks guys! Good to know I can't trust you when I can't see. Anyways, we walk about 15-20 more feet then come to a stop. As soon as the blindfold comes off, I'm stood face to face with my dad and my brother who I haven't seen since I left home about 4 years ago. Sure I'd talk to them over the phone but I haven't physically seen them in why feels like decades. "Hi son!" my dad says smiling. I give him one of the longest hugs I've ever given one human. Except Erin. Once my dad and I release from our hug, it's my brothers turn. And since we don't really hug, it was more like a bro hug. But it was the best bro hug ever. I wonder who put all this together.

              Erin's P.O.V
I just got the call from Ruzek and Antonio saying everything went perfectly. Yes it was me who set up Will and Jay's dad to come here. I know Jay hasn't seen them in years and it breaks my heart to know that. So I decided to fly them out here to attend the wedding. They'll most likely be staying with us or in a hotel near by. I'm not really sure, I'll leave that for Jay to decide.
(An hour time skip bc I can)
Will and Jeremy(I'm naming their dad that) came busting through the door as they blew into their hands because of the cold Chicago weather. I guess they haven't been in this kind of weather before. Jay casually walked in the house closed the door and ran to give me a hug. I guess Dweedle Dee and Dweedle Dumb told them I arranged for Will and Jeremy to be here. "Thank you for this surprise. It's the best one I've gotten from you." he said to me. "It was my pleasure. I know what it's like to not have family around and I didn't want you to have to go through that." I said in reply. "I love you so much Erin Lindsay." "I love you more Jay Halstead." The rest of the day consisted of playing board games, drinking warm beverages and getting to know each other. Only three weeks left. Yay!

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