Here Comes The Bride

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Jay's P.O.V
All I could do was stare. She looks so damn beautiful. How in the world did I get so lucky to be able to call this gorgeous human being, mine? I knew from that moment on, I was going to be devoted to being the best husband on the face of the earth cause she deserves that. With the hell she's been through, she deserves to be treated like she's the only one that matters. She is, the most amazing and intelligent person I have ever met and I'm the one who gets to tell her that I love her and that she means so much more than the world to me.

Erin's P.O.V
Everyday I wake up and I feel so lucky to have such an amazing person like Jay, in my life. Without him, I would probably still be depressed and I thank God everyday for him. He treats me even better than how every girl should be treated. I'm finally waking down the aisle to start a new chapter in my life. The best chapter with the best man to ever walk the planet.

3rd Person P.O.V
Lindsay walks down the aisle to meet her soulmate and as Voight gives her to Jay, he whispers, " I'm proud of you kid."  All she did was smile and hug him. What felt like hours, but were only minutes, Jay and Erin stared at each other in complete awe. Until finally the priest asked them the questions and they each responded with I do's. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." With a lingering kiss and the background noise of applauses, in that moment, they were infinite. They knew nothing and no one was ever going to break them apart. As long as they both shall live. Always.

(Guys that's the end of the series and i'm kinda sad about it cause this is like my little baby. I'm still gonna be writing my imagines/preference book. ily guys and thank you for reading. Marissa out. )

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