Chapter 38

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Tryndamere sets down his glass before going to speak and a scream from upstairs interrupts him. We both bolt up from the couch and up the stairs before finding the room that it came from.

"Get away from me!" Y/N yells after Tryndamere opened the door, "Stay back you demon!"

"Y/N, calm down," Tryndamere says as we both dodge a chair, "it's me, your cousin."

"I'll fucking kill you!" Y/N says as he lunges towards me before Tryndamere intercepts him and puts him in a chokehold.

"Go to sleep, cousin." Tryndamere says and as soon as he finishes it Y/N stops struggling.

Akali's POV

"Where are you staying?" Ahri asks looking up from her phone, "Because I was-"

"I'm staying at a place I rented on the coast." I say thinking of a quick lie, "You?"

"I'm staying at a place in Glaserport." She says with confidence, "I've got a friend there letting me stay with her."

"What's her name?" I ask and she freezes up, "You do remember your friend's name, don't you?"

"Of course I do," She says after finally speaking, "her name's Liana."

"I've never heard you talk about her." I say and she sighs.

She mumbles something inaudible to herself before sighing again.


I'm sitting in my room on the edge of my bed scrolling through my socials before Eve starts calling me, "Yeah?"

"Where are you at? I thought you said you'd be here tonight." She says and I sigh, "What's wrong?"

"Something's came up." I say as I see a familiar white fox tail come in from outside my bedroom door, "Sorry but I've got to let you go."

I hang up just as she walks inside, "Who was that, N/N?"

"No one important." I say before noticing the dark blue dress fitting perfectly her figure, "A bit much for just a movie don't you think?"

She giggles before taking my hand and pulling me up from the bed, "It's just not a movie tonight, sweet boy."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." I say with a smile, "Lead the way, Foxy."

"Foxy... I like that." I hear her mumble as we walk through the hallway of my apartment.

I thought something felt familiar about that night with Ahri... oh damn, "You're finally awake."

"Don't even start with that." I say and Tryndamere smirks, "Tell me what happened."

"You went insane and tried to attack your friend Seraphine." He says and I curse myself under my breath, "What caused you to go like... that?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I say after laying my head on the headboard, "You'd just call me crazy."

"We're family, Y/N, you can tell me anything." Tryndamere says showing that rare side of sympathy he has.

??? POV

"He was with Sejuani, why don't you bother her instead of me." Y/N's dad says through the phone to Reaper.

I can only assume that whatever Reaper said wasn't something he wanted to hear as he throws down and shatters his phone.

"Double crossing son of a bitch!" He yells and I calmly set down my coffee on the table.

"I told you not to trust him." I say and he storms out of the room and I sigh, "No one ever listens to you, Ashe."

Kai'sa's POV

Why did this have to happen?

"Kai'sa, how've you been?" Damien asks after stopping me, "How long has it been?"

"I never even counted." I coldly say before walking away from him, "The nerve."

Someone, definitely Damien, grabs my arm and causes me to stop, "We weren't done talking."

"Yes we were." I say pulling my arm out of his grasp, "Now if you'll excuse me I've got more important places to be."

"Be a shame for these to get leaked." He says and I instantly freeze, "That's what I thought, Ballerina."

"What are you talking about?" I ask turning around before seeing his phone in his hand, "H-How d-did y-you g-get t-those? W-What d-do y-you w-want?"

"You know exactly what I want," He says casually crossing his arms, "so it's best to not keep me waiting."

Ahri's POV

"Why did she have to have the same idea?!" I internally yell as the plane lands, "Damn it, I knew I should've packed those pills."

I've just got to fight the urge until after we bring him back to Piltover.

"You ok there, Ri?" Akali asks me as she stands up and stretches, "You look zoned out."

"I'm fine." I lie before flashing a smile, "Just buy the act."

"If you say so." She says grabbing her bag from the overhead.

She walks away and I quietly exhale before blending into the crowd exiting the plane, "This is going to be a long trip."

I pull a torn piece of cloth from my purse before sniffing it and then the air once I'm off the plane and find Y/N's faded scent before I smile.


"I thought those were just stories our grandparents told us to keep us in line." Tryndamere says in disbelief.

"Sejuani basically the same thing, minus a few things." I say before yawning, "Guess I need to get some more sleep."

"Then rest easy, Y/N, you're not alone." He says as he leaves my room.

"I know that." I mumble laying down on my bed and closing my eyes.

"What does a sniper and an artist have in common?" My trainer asks me as I zero in on the target.

"Details." I mumble after pulling the trigger and taking the shot.

"Good, Y/N, you actually remembered something I taught you." He jokes after kneeling down and patting my back before doing a complete one-eighty, "Aren't you dating someone?"

"No." I say with a sigh, "We weren't really dating anyways."

"If you say so my favorite student." He says and then laughs, "Go ahead and head home, I've taught you everything I know."

"Thanks for everything, sensei." I say and he nods in approval, "See you around, Glaz."

"Same to you, kid." He says while I walk away.

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