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. . . . market . . . .

After the heated talk, the duo ran out of the house. Giggling and laughing, playing tag on the way to the market to get the items on the list.

They were currently in a field of poppies, all different vibrant colors shining in all their beauty and glory.

It was as if the poppies were talking to each other, and some of them floating on their own.

Maybe it appeared that way because some of them were indeed floating and talking amongst themselves.

Jungkook ran away from the blue haired male, hoping he wouldn't get tagged.

He looked back, not seeing the older in sight.

Confused, he slowed down a bit.

That's when he took the chance.

Taehyung immediately pounced onto Jungkook, the impact sending them tumbling into the field of poppies.

Jungkook fell onto his back and turned his head, finding a pair of eyes staring back at him.

They erupted into a fit of laughter, not being able to stop themselves.

It was a nice feeling, it was calm and comfortable.

Just the two of them, alone in a field. With talking / floating poppies. It's exactly what they needed. After the serious talk in the house, this made them feel better. WAY better.

It's like they've done the exact same thing before.

What was the word?

Deja Vu?

They soon stopped laughing and remembered the grocery list, if they wanted to stay, they needed to help around. Starting with the grocery shopping!

Jungkook and Taehyung continued their journey to the market, cracking jokes, insulting each other, and laughing.

A couple of minutes passed by until they arrived at the crowded market.

There were stands that sold fruits, deserts, food, and etc.

Jungkooks eyes glowed as he saw the different stands selling different things.

His eyes were captured by one thing in particular, a stand selling various kinds of jewelry.

"Shiny" Jungkook squealed as he headed towards the jewelry.

"Yeah, no. That's not happening. We're here for food Kook. Not shiny things, maybe later, okay?" Taehyung said, stopping the younger by grabbing his wrist.

"It's cuz I'm gay, isn't it? Wooow, you're so homophobic. Not letting a gay bro get some shiny cuz he's gay." Jungkook gasped dramatically.

"Wha- How can I be homophobic if I'm bi?" Taehyung asked, confusion taking over.

"I'm kidding, just kidding." Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, furrowing his eyebrows.

He didn't understand the younger at all. Not. One. Bit. Like rubix cubes, and puzzles. That's exactly why Taehyung loved him. He loves confusing things. Maybe that's why they're best friends.

Whatever the case was, he didn't care. Only if Jungkook was by his side, nothing else mattered.

"We need 5 Fruitergy's, 3 Flight's, 6 of Fuzz, 10 More+, 20 snooze+, Strawberries, noodles, tomatoes sauce, meatballs, and pop." Jungkook read the list aloud, knocking Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"What's Fruitergy, Flight, Fuzz, More+, and Snooze+?" Jungkook mumbled to himself.

"Maybe it's some kind of fruit?" Taehyung said.

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