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.       .       .       Beginning       .       .       .

It's been two days since they've discussed the plan to go home, and everything's been going smooth to say the least.

Yoongi started to get along with Taehyung and Jungkook in those two days and they've never felt so close to Yoongi, even the human version of him.

They only arrived at Verion (the fairy tale world) a month ago, but they already felt like it was their home. Half of them didn't want to go back, but the other half still wanted to return back to Korea.

It was Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseoks last day in their beloved replacement home before they would have to go to King Tiseous' castle to work as maids, they were already nervous.

So there they all were, at the beach and laughing as they ran around splashing water on each other.

But it wasn't just any beach. No it wasn't. Instead of the water being on the sand, it was flying in the air. Whomever set foot onto the beach, they'd turn upside down and be able to swim and walk onto the crystal clear water and watch sparrows swim majestically in the water.

Jungkook made the mistake of drenching Jimin in the water, causing Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok to burst out laughing.

Jimin didn't like that, so a very angry midget ran after them, conjuring a huge bucket filled to the brim with water and chasing them with it.

Unfortunately for them, they can't out run magic, and ended up getting soaked with the water.

Of course, they giggled and laughed with each other about it.

Taehyung grabbed a giggling Jungkook by his small waist and tried using him as his shield when Yoongi and Jimin tried to throw water at them and failed miserably.

Day slowly faded to night, and they started roasting marshmallows. Well- almost roasting.

"Hyung? Where's the fire if we're going to roast marshmallows?" Jungkook asked Yoongi as he cuddled into Taehyungs chest.

"We don't use a fire Kookie, we use the moon." Yoongi smiled sweetly.

"The moon? Hyung?" Taehyung asked, immediately thinking he was out of his mind.

"I'll show you" Yoongi gave them skewers with big marshmallows on. "You hold the marshmallows up to the moon" Taehyung and Jungkook held their skewers up to the moon, copying Yoongi. "And say 'Good old moon, silver spoon. Make my marshmallow delicious and blue. With this saying, make it tasty, delicious, and scrumptious' " Jungkook and Taehyung followed after Yoongi.

After they said that, their marshmallows faded into an onyx blue color with a silver glow to it.

"It looks so cool!" Jungkook squealed as he clinged onto Taehyungs arm.

"Enjoy." Yoongi said as he watched the two with a gummy smile.

Taehyung and Jungkook took a bite from their marshmallows and instantly melted at the peculiar taste.

It was creamy and delicious. It had a hint of lavender and sweet flowers.

You know how delicious and exquisite a flower will smell?

They could taste how it smelled.

That's what made the marshmallow so unique and delicious.

They've never tried anything like it, and boy, did they love it.

It's like they couldn't get enough of it.

The texture wasn't like any ordinary marshmallow. No, in fact, it was better; softer and plumpier. It was so soft, it felt like it didn't have any texture.

It was amazing.

Taehyung and Jungkook moaned and groaned at the delicious marshmallow.
(God forgive me😭)

Yoongi chuckled at their behavior.

He had a soft spot for them, he didn't know how when he 'hated' them just a few days ago.

They were like the children he never had and always wanted.

He wished they'd stay safe during their time in the castle.

They decided to go home and sleep.

After all, the next day was only the beginning.


Sorry if it was worse than usual, I was kinda in a hurry😭

I'll do better next time and edit all the chapters later.

I feel like no one is reading this at all, but I'll still write this cuz I wanna see how this plays out👀

Have a good day, stay healthy and safe💚💜

Have a good day, stay healthy and safe💚💜

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