how they act when your mad

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daryl - if your mad at him he tries his hardest not to yell at you but sometimes he cant control himself. if your just mad he will be mad with you.

rick - when your mad at him you both try your best to reason through the argument and understand eachothers sides, he tries his best not to yell at you.

glenn - he tries to make jokes and laugh everything off even though it makes you more mad

carl - if your mad at him he apologizes and tries to make you laugh so you can feel better but it ends up being embarrassing so he just hugs you

ron - if your mad at him he gets mad back at you and yells at you, and if your mad hes mad with you. he wont hesitate to yell at you.

maggie - if your mad at her she keeps saying that shes sorry and apologizes over and over until you forgive her. if your just mad then she listens to you talk about it and tries to understand what your going through. she never yells at you though.

michonne - if your mad at her she will argue and reason with you but she doesnt yell that much or anything. when your just mad she tries to understand you and stuff.

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