Ep. 3 | Momo & Sana

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WARNINGS: SLIGHT SMUT, mention of Alcohol and Drugs   ;   Word Count: 2.8 k


"Could I get some help with my bow?" You said, holding your bow out in defeat. Your hair was just not co operating today.

"You don't have to wear the bow, girl. It's optional plus you gotta show your middle part buss down, I ain't lay that shit for nothing!" Your teammate, Chaeyoung, exclaimed. Her makeup was already done and she was ready to go. It didn't seem like that for some of your other teammates as they were gossiping and barely getting ready.

Nayeon came in, slamming her gym bag on the bench behind her, sitting down afterwards and holding her head in her hands.

"What's up with you?" You asked, looking at your friend through the mirror. "So, I'm trying to rehearse the choreo with Dahyun but it's not fuckin' working because she's over there squealing like a damn pig!"

You chuckle a little at your best friend's words, seeing her angrily tie up her sneakers. "Was it because of one of the basketball players? Didn't she cheat?" You asked, applying a coat of clear lipgloss and finishing your makeup.

"She did but this isn't the point. She's fangirling over two people that are apparently attending the match and I swear I couldn't get a word in." Nayeon rolled her eyes for the tenth time that afternoon.

"But you got your steps down though, right? Me, you and y/n were put in the front for a reason. If the rest of the team fucks up then it's on them." Chaeyoung expressed, making Nayeon nod her head at the previous question.

Before you could speak, the coach came in and gathered the team around, specifically side eying the others who weren't ready yet.

"Now I'll need all of you to show up and show out tonight. When Seulgi play, you get to strutting and make me proud. You gotta get out there in 30 minutes so to those that aren't ready, hurry up." Your coach exclaimed, making everyone walk away and finish up.

As you and the other cheerleaders stood by the underground field entrance waiting for your cue, you could hear students piling in along with music playing loudly. You heard people wanting to get food from the stalls which were next to the field, reminding you to eat after this.

Your coach gave you the cue to go out and stand in your places in front of the large crowd. "Is it me or did the whole campus show up because damn." You saw Nayeon observing the crowd, shocked by the turn up.

"It's Myoui Mina's party tonight for valentines and she invited everybody so people just decided to come here before going there." Chaeyoung informed you guys as you were walking closer to the field. "Isn't she that rich girl that everybody knows?" You ask and Chaeyoung nods. "Everybody is going to be there. Including us." Chaeyoung smiled at you two and you both looked bewildered at her last sentence.

"Inclu-" you cut yourself off when everyone stopped in their spots, with you front and centre. You looked into the crowd and saw almost everyone turn their heads towards the pair that just walked in. The seemingly popular pair quickly scanned the crowd for seats, finding two open spots which were right in front of you.

Unable to take your eyes off of them, you were forced to because you heard Dahyun squeal from behind. "Oh my god, it's them." She said barely under a whisper but she was loud enough that you and Nayeon could hear. Looking over at the pair, you saw how their eyes were looking through the cheer team and eventually land on you.

Your breath hitched as they made eye contact with you, smirking and dapping each other up in a subtle way. Before you could even comprehend any thoughts, you heard the intro to '28 Reasons' by Seulgi. Immediately your focus was executing the steps perfectly.

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