Ep. 26 | MINA

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Knight!Mina X Princess!Reader   ;   Word Count: 1.3 k


You were bored. So unbelievably earth-shatteringly bored. Life as a princess fucking sucked, every day the same. Sit on the council, talk to suitors who you had no interest in and then see your perfect girlfriend. It was getting so bad that lines would blur and you would forget what day it was.

However, you never felt comfortable complaining about it. You were a princess for fuck sake! Gold, jewels, dresses, palaces, banquets.. you had it all. The only person you had to talk to about anything was Mina.

Mina was a knight and a damn good one at that. She had fought in wars, killed people, almost been killed herself, it seemed ridiculous to complain about your champagne problems to her.

Nevertheless, your head felt as if it was about to explode and it got worse every second you stayed trapped inside the confined walls of the palace. Moreover, that is how you found yourself here, saddling up your horse, wearing a deep blue cloak and ready to ride into town by yourself... In the middle of the knight.

Maybe not your brightest idea. But you were too committed now anyways, no turning back. You put your feet in the horse's stirrups and hoisted yourself into the saddle and your horse, who you had called peanut, began to trot out of the stables.

The sound of your peanuts hooves hitting the dirt ground were drowned out by the ambience of the many taverns that lined the streets. Laughter, cheers and people singing echoed through the streets and you felt like you could finally breathe.

You continued down the dirt road until you stumbled across a small rundown tavern, there were a few people inside but nothing compared to the hoards in the neighboring bars.

You tied up Peanut nearby, grabbing your satchel and tugging the hood of your cloak down to hide more of your face. You entered the warmly light alehouse and took a beeline for the bar.

"One larger please" you said, trying to speak up, to put on the facade that you were confident and definitely not out of your element.

"15 shillings" a gruff deep voice said to you. Sending you a conspicuous look. You opened the brown leathers satchel before fishing out what he had asked for sliding it towards him, silently.

He grunted in acknowledgement before he turned around to fix up your order. Your eyes drifted towards a group of loud people, dancing and cheering at a bard who was plucking his lyre and singing about adventures he had been on.

You loved this. Your people, being people. Laughing, dancing, and talking. It reminded you that they weren't just your subjects. They had stories, they lived lives, and they had families and friends.

You heard your larger being pushed towards you, so you turned around and began sipping still looking over at the group of people.

"Hey you girl!" An older woman's voice came from the group of people she looked around 40 years old. "Come join us!"

You picked up your pint and walked closer to the group who were laughing at something the bard had sung. The older woman that had a kind face, dimpled cheeks and dull blonde gestured for you to sit on the stool next to her.

"Hello dear, what are you doing out here hm? It's dangerous for a young girl like you to be out and about at this time, especially while wearing such a fine cloak." She said gesturing to the plain but rich and clean material.

"Oh-uh, thank you... But I assure you I'm safe, I shan't stay out long anyways." You mutter, a smile finding its way easily onto your face.

"Hmm that's good, you mustn't be older than 20, are you?" You shake your head, agreeing with her. "I take it, you're a lords daughter trying to get away from life for a moment? No working man could buy his daughter such a beautiful cloak"

"Yeah, something like that anyways" "Well, let's make sure that it was worth sneaking out for then, huh? Play my favorite Barry," she stated to the bard who was now looking at her with a sweet smile. Only now noticing the two had matching rings. Huh, cute.

"Course Angela..."


You were drunk, so so so so drunk. It had only been two hours, but the drinks became stronger and you downed them quicker. You had danced with the group of people for a while and learnt that Angela and Barry owned this pub and lived on the floor above it.

"Honey, I think you should get going now. You have to sneak back in before someone notices you're gone" Angela's smile didn't reach her eyes, a little sad that you had to depart. However, you knew you had to.

After bidding them all goodbye, you left the small cozy tavern and trekked towards Peanut, who was now laying down next to the post he was tethered too.

"Hey sweet boy~ miss me?" You hummed and nuzzled into his mane before mounting his saddle. Your head began spinning when Peanut began trotting home, your eyes blurred and went in and out of focus.

You felt sick; the motion of Peanuts movements combined with the copious amounts of alcohol you had consumed was a lethal combination. A large group of men laughing and joking stepped out in front of your horse, startling both you and Peanut.

"Oh I'm sorry miss. We didn't see you there," one of them slurred coming too close to you.

"How much for a night with you sweetheart?" One yelled, "I'm not a whore" you whispered back a little out of it due to your intoxicated state.

"Oh come on darling~" one cooed at you trying to push past the other men and tried to touch your leg. "We'll pay you double what your usual clients-" a cough erupted from his throat as blood filled his mouth.

Mina had slit his throat. Thank God for her. The other men seemed to get the message and scattered of quickly.

"You alright my love?" She spoke softly to you; she hummed when she only got a nod in response "men are pigs." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, her eyes light up when she saw a slight twitch in your lips.

"C'mon, scooch forward baby. I left shimmer in the stables, can be more stealthy that way." You did as she said, Mina quickly moue ted from behind you, her lean body pressed up against your back as she wrapped her arms around you to grab the reins.

"Y'know love, you don't have to sneak out, you can just tell me and I'll come with you. Promise I won't tattle on you." Peanut began to trot and one of her hands let go of the reins so she could interlock her pinky with yours before picking them back again.

"You drunk a lot love. I was watching from outside, making sure you were alright and all that. And my god! You were downing drinks like a champion. Very impressive, I should sneak you into a party that the knights throw, bet you could drink them under the table."

The ride continued on like that, Mina making one sided conversation, complimenting and talking to you like usual, even when you slowly drifted in and out of sleep she kept talking.

By the time she reached the palace stables you were fast asleep, she lifted you off the saddle and Into her arms as she carried you back into your chambers and laid you on the soft mattress.

She quickly got out of her armor, creeped under the blankets next to you, her arms draped over your stomach, and she kissed your forehead sweetly.

"Goodnight, my love."


CONVERTED from TUMBLR.  Credits to the owner

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