Ep. 10 | MOMO

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JEALOUS MOMO   ;   Word Count: 1.8 k


It was happening with frequency according to Momo, way too much for her liking. Yet looking at you walk towards her, with nothing but sweet and innocent eyes, she realizes how unaware you are instead, of all the attention in your regards, from both teachers and students sometimes. She can't help but think how innocent you are, how carefree and good for a world so petty at times.

Taking her hands in yours, you place a kiss upon the corner of her lips, greeting her with the sincerest smile Momo has ever seen. "Hi, you", you say sweetly, making Momo melt on the spot. "The kids are particularly hyper today", you comment slowly, with a bit of a chuckle.

The tiredness evident in your eyes, but not enough to wear down your passion for teaching magic. Humming, Momo lifts an eyebrow at you, and her lips crack in a knowing smirk. Having you that close, makes her put aside the jealousy for a moment.

"Do I have to take any measures about it?", she places her hands around your waist, her silky fingers draw patterns on your skin as she pulls you a little closer, making you shiver. You lightly shake your head, chuckling at her protective behavior.

With your head tilted to the side, you try not to make too evident the way your cheeks are turning pink for the sudden, yet pleasant, closeness with your girlfriend, "There is nothing I can't handle, but thanks", humming again, she leans in to brush her own lips upon yours in a sweet, unpretentious kiss that you reciprocate, until an echo of footsteps announces someone approaching the two of you.

"Hey y/n! I got you the papers you asked me", Jihyo says cheerfully and loudly, and you are rapid to turn around to welcome her with a cordial smile, "I also stopped for a coffee, and I thought you'd fancy one as well. I added a sprinkle of cream on yours, knowing it's your favorite", Momo's hands grab you by the strips of your skirt, and you find yourself leaning against her chest, almost falling by her sudden movement.

"Oh why, thank you!", you say, sincerely grateful by the gesture. "You shouldn't have bothered", you grab both the papers and the coffee, a little clumsily.

"Yes Jihyo, you shouldn't have", Momo's voice comes out next in a remark, not as cordial as yours. You frown slightly, looking up only to meet innocent, or so you thought, browns looking down at you.

She wraps her arms upon yours, placing her chin upon your head, and inhaling the sweet scent of roses and vanilla she deeply adores. Jihyo is slightly taken aback by the way Momo is looking at her, so she feels herself stuttering the next few words.

She takes a weak step back, "It was a pleasure. No big deal, really", she is quick to remark, gently grazing your forearm.

The glare that Momo shoots her as consequence, makes Jihyo gulp loudly. Unaware of everything, you let out a small chuckle, moving forward to wrap her in a friendly hug. Jihyo's eyes go wide at that, undecisive if to reciprocate the hug or not, but she gives in, offering you a gentle pat on the back. Momo sighs dramatically, averting her gaze from the two of you to the floor.

The jealousy eating her from inside out isn't making her think straight. You meant no harm with that, and she knew it well. However, she couldn't help but feel uneasy when displays of affection happened and she wasn't the only one involved.

Thanking her once again for both the papers and the coffee, you pull away, "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me", Momo can't help the eye roll at your kindness. She wraps her arms a little tightly around you, putting a fair distance between you and the teacher.

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