Ep. 5 | NAYEON

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WARNINGS: SMUT   ;   Word Count: 3.3 k


"You're home!" you sigh contently from under the blankets. Nayeon smiles down at you as your eyes struggle to stay open. And you fall into a half-asleep state while she gets ready for bed.

"How was work?" you mumble as you blindly reach out to feel her once she gets in next to you.

"It was okay," she answers half-heartedly. Fully uninterested in discussing the boring events of the four hour meeting she had to suffer through. "I couldn't stop thinking about you," She kisses the top of your head and wraps her arms around you, pressing your body as close to hers as it can be.

"What were you thinking about?" Nayeon can hear the sleepiness in your voice, and she knows she's about to lose you to that peaceful slumber. She rubs your back to help you get there as she listens to your calm breaths and feels the gentle rise and fall of your chest against her.

"How good you'd look bent over that big table," You hum and nuzzle your face into her neck, "Or maybe kneeling under it," Her hand moves up from your back to stroke your hair. "Just think about you was getting me worked up,"

"You should have called," You're too late to offer a solution.

"During the meeting?"

"You could have sneaked away, into the bathroom,"

Nayeon chuckles, and pats your ass lightly, "Maybe next time,"

A love and comfort filled silence falls over the two of you shortly after. The room is dark and quiet and now with the comfort of Nayeon's arms around you and her body so close to yours it's easy to relax again. She stays quiet this time and lets you fall asleep fully before she focuses on doing the same soon after.

She's still asleep when you wake up the next day, and you're extra quiet as you sneak of to the bathroom. You pee and quickly crawl back into bed with the intention to fall asleep again. But before you can start to drift off Nayeon mumbles quietly, "Where did you go?" The softness and neediness of her tone makes it impossible to see this woman as the same person that cuts your skin open and watches you bleed.

"To pee," the warmth trapped under the blankets is almost as welcoming as the soft body that pulls you into it's arms.

"I missed you," she almost whines as she pulls you down on top of her and you giggle with a defence - "I was only gone for like a minute,"

"It was at least two," her words are slurred and you wonder if she's more asleep than awake right now. "You can't leave me like that," her tone is light but her heart is heavy, "I can't live without you,"

You're holding yourself up on your elbows, at least as much as her strong grip on you allows, and looking down studying her face. Her eyes are still closed, and her expression is neutral. But looking at her like this, with the early rising sun rays gracing her features, right here in this moment you fall just that mush deeper. And love her just that much more.

She has some light freckles across her nose and cheeks. It's summer and you're been spending a lot of time at Momo's house, out by her pool, in the sun. You love getting to witness the way the season's change Nayeon's face. Somehow only making her more beautiful with each passing of time. You know that by the time winter rolls around the freckles will be gone. That darker tan of her skin will fade and she'll look a whole new type of stunning.

You run your finger down the bridge of her nose. And then right under her closed eye, to her temple and then you thread your fingers through her now shorter hair. Maybe she'll change the colour or grow it out again when summer's over. Maybe she'll do both. And maybe she'll do neither. But either way, she'll figure out how to take you breath away, that much you know for sure.

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