Ep. 16 | SANA

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WARNINGS: cursing, alcohol and weed, vomit (brief and not described), smut (oral, overstimulation, fingering).   ;   Word Count: 6.4 k 


The sound of your tapping foot muffled by the rattling of the car made it all more consuming to get to your destination. Whoever told you being in a small confined space with your chatty dad for five hours was a good idea? Needs to be told off. Anticipation surged through your body as you realized you would almost be there. This was instantly followed by apprehension...'What if my roommate's a dick? No, what if they think I'm the dick?'

Scratch that, keep happy thoughts. Therefore, you did - kind of. Soon enough you had arrived at the campus. Although you had done endless amounts of research on this school. No immense amount of websites or pictures could have prepared you for the overwhelming feeling of seeing the massive campus in person. Fuck, I mean do you get any financial compensation for walking you are going to be doing?

"Hey kiddo, c'mon!" Your dad put his hand on your shoulder with a look between loss and rejoicement. Soon enough. You're struggling to balance bags and boxes onto a small rolling cart. Making your way into the lobby.

The environment immediately made you anxious. With a mix of student orientation leaders and staff member, that all didn't wear any identification. You're struggling to be assisted, until your lord and savior of a father found someone.

A tall lanky raven-haired boy trotted his way over to your dad with a clipboard. As your dad mumbled his concerns to him, you squinted your eyes to read the minuscule font on the back of his clipboard. 'Resident Assistant(s)' Oh, well it looks like your old man did a good job at finding exactly what you needed.

Next thing, you were being led to your residence hall room and passed around to different people along the way to aid your confusion. Making your way through the crowd was terrifying. However, it all worked out as you got to a door that room number matched your paper.

A relieved sigh escaped your mouth, followed by a loud groan from your father. You unlocked the dorm, taking in the foreign area. It was a decent size, you didn't hate it. Thankfully, considering this was going to be your living situation for god knows how long.

"Hey, looks like your roommate beat us to it." Your father's voice filled the room. "Ok, Mr. Captain Obvious." You snorted admiring the decorated half of the dorm. Posters and other items scattered the wall, and you noticed a theme of purple. Purple comforter, purple stationary, purple bags.

"I wonder if purples their favorite color, what do you think?" You quipped.

"I reckon it's yellow, no?" Earning a small chuckle out of you.

The two of you began getting to work unloading the boxes upon boxes. God, you should have never allowed him to organize these. Somehow, you were finding toiletries in your clothes box, and stationary in your technology box. Yes, it was a pain in the ass to keep guessing where everything was. However, it did give you more time with the old fucker. Admittedly, you were going to miss him. Of course, you'd never tell him that to save your pride.


The day was nearing an end; you'd gotten most everything heavy unpacked. The rest you were able to handle by yourself. A palpable sense of realization fell over you. You would have to say goodbye. By the looks of your fathers face, he was thinking the same thing.

"Why don't we have waffles for dinner, on me kiddo." He faintly smiled, ruffling up your hair. You did the smallest nod, but he understood. Then causing the sappiest scene to known to man kind to happen. He took you into a tight embrace kissing the top of your hair. You weren't listening to too much of what he was whispering. Nevertheless, you heard the quiet 'I'm so proud of you.'

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