1.4K 19 1

WARNINGS: Smut (with some aftercare), NSFW, 18+, sub!Jeongyeon, spanking, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation kink   ;   Word Count: 3.7 k


Tall, blonde, beautiful and sophisticated. This must have been the fourth or the fifth time you had seen her at the store, and you had caught her staring each and every time. Whenever you looked back, she blushed and looked away as if she hadn't just been eyeing you up. You smirked to yourself and this time you decided to pursue it, curious about the outcome. You hadn't really ever done anything like this, but you had to shoot your shot with her.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I usually don't do this, but I've noticed you staring every time I've been in this store and I had to try. Here is my address. It's up to you, but you're gorgeous and I'd love to have you over for a glass of wine." You winked and gave her a note with your address and number. This was so out of character for you and it immediately sent a nervous wave down your body.

She hesitantly took it and put it in her pocket, and it almost appeared as if she was afraid someone would notice. "I'm involved with someone. Whatever you thought you saw was not the case, but thank you. Flattering." She blushed and seemed embarrassed by the interaction, and you decided to leave her be. You didn't want to get her in trouble. You were relatively new in town, and realised that people probably knew who she was pretty well.

You went home and put on a random movie you found on Netflix, trying to forget about her dismissing you at the store. Why did she even take the note if she wasn't interested? You really had hoped she was different, but why would she be? She seemed classy, and she probably was just as classy as she looked.

You decided to pour yourself a glass of wine to wind down when the doorbell rang. It was getting pretty late, and you didn't really even know anyone in town but you decided to open the door regardless. You had a few colleagues you were getting closer to at work so you figured it could be one of them.

"Oh, I was not expecting to see you. Come in, please." You were trying to wipe away your shocked expression when she walked inside, and she did not look happy.

"What you did was assuming and inappropriate. I am in fact married, and walking around stores giving out your address to strangers is a bold thing to do. Are you always that confident?" She looked at you with a stern look, but there was something else hiding in the back of her eyes that you couldn't quite read.

"So you went all the way over here to tell me that? You're married, yet I found you staring and eyeing me up at the store numerous times. Forgive me for assuming anything at all, but if I was married, I wouldn't do that. It's a shame, because I could show you a very, very good time." You winked and moved closer to her so she ended up backed up to the wall.

"W-well... Yes. You shouldn't have done it. I wasn't staring, I was just looking. Pretty cocky, aren't you? You don't know what you could give me." She was clearly nervous and looked at you with furrowed brows, but whatever her eyes were trying to hide was still there.

"You were looking several times. I'm not cocky, but it's pretty easy to tell when someone gives you a brief glance or they look at you several times. You fit into that last category. But don't worry. Glad we sorted this out, and I won't keep you. Go home to your husband. " You gave her a sarcastic smile while eyeing her up before you opened the door. She hesitated but left.

You scoffed and shook your head. Why did she even bother showing up if she found herself so deeply offended by it? She could have thrown away the note and forgotten about the whole thing. Suddenly, the doorbell rings again and it's her.

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