Ep. 12 | Nayeon & Mina

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WARNINGS: fingering, oral, voyeurism, exhibitionism, threesome, strap on use, degredation, praise kink, swearing   ;   Word Count: 4.4 k

A/N: long ass smut


Mina took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she turned into her street, hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

She wondered for the hundredth time on her trip if she should have taken you up on the offer to drive her home, the way her heart was pounding wildly in her chest right now had her questioning if she was too young to have a heart attack.

She manoeuvres her car into her driveway, eyeing your front door as she shuts off her engine. She debates just running into her house, locking the door and pretending like this whole thing had never happened but the idea leaves her mind as quickly as it entered.

While she was incredibly nervous, she couldn't quite shake the undercurrent of excitement that was rushing through her veins. It was the same eagerness that had led her to accept Nayeon's request and the anticipation of what was to come had her breath quickening.

Mina hadn't missed the promise that Nayeon's brown eyes had held as she bid the two of you goodbye in the car park, the small smile playing on your lips as if you knew what was to come. Mina just hoped that she wasn't about to disappoint the two of you.

She had never been with more than one person at once and she was entirely unprepared for the way her day had unfolded. Mina had started the day expecting to get fired when her boss found out she slept with her girlfriend, only to discover that Nayeon had not only known the whole time but she encouraged it and wanted to join in.

Mina exits her car, her legs shaking slightly as she walks up to your front door. She takes a deep breath before pressing the doorbell, the melodic chime echoing behind the wooden door in front of her.

She shifts her weight anxiously as she waits for someone to answer the door. Surely you had seen her car pull up. She wonders if maybe this was part of your game, making her wait outside with only her thoughts to keep her company.

She twists the skirt of her dress in her hands, the soft fabric brushing against her knees with the movement. Mina contemplates ringing the bell again, her hand raising toward the button before she changes her mind, shaking her head at her own impatience.

What feels like an eternity later, the door opens and she's greeted with your wide smile. Mina can't help but return it, already feeling more at ease just by being in your presence. She can't see Nayeon behind you and Mina finds herself wondering where the brunette was.

"Mina," you greet her warmly, taking her hand in yours.

"Hi," Mina returns shyly, letting you pull her inside. "Thanks for having me."

You just smirk at her, rolling your eyes at her formalities.

"Oh, I think we're past all that don't you think, sweetheart?" The glint in your eyes has Mina's stomach dropping, her heart skipping at the nickname.

"I-I guess," she replies, eyes darting around the room, once again unsure about what she had gotten herself into.

"Aw, do I make you nervous?" you whisper, finger hooking under Mina's chin to keep her gaze locked on your own.

Mina just nods in return, her teeth worrying her bottom lip, your eyes drawn to the action.

"Don't do that," you frown, tugging her lip free. "That's my job."

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