Ep. 18 | JIHYO

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AVENGERS AU!   ;   Word Count: 1 k 


"Tell me she'll be okay," Jihyo said, almost yelling over the phone.

"She's still alive."

"That's not what I fucking said, Jeongyeon. Will she live?"

Jihyo sprinted her way through the compound when she saw the quinjet arriving, making it outside while the ramp had finished lowering and Jeongyeon was walking out, carrying you in her arms.

Tears were streaming down her face as she reached you and touched your face with shaking hands while in a state of vulnerability so little people had seen her in, she could probably count them on one hand.

"Ji, let's go, we need to get her inside," Jeongyeon said gently, and Jihyo took her hand off her face but refused to look away from you.


You groaned in pain as you gained awareness of your surroundings and though your eyes were closed, the brightness of the lights above you was irritating.

There was pressure on one of your hands and you could hear noises but you were too distraught to make sense of anything yet, so you brought your other hand up to your brow and did your best to open your eyes, blinking quickly.

The first thing you saw was Jihyo looking at you intently with searching eyes and her hand in yours, tears pooling in her eyes.

You squeezed her hand gently, "Hi, Hyo."

Her lips pressed together and she shut her eyes, dropping her head down to press a kiss to the back of your hand that was in hers before sniffling.

"Hey, baby, I'm okay," You frowned and brushed her hair out of her face when she lifted it up.

You pulled her hand up to your lips and kissed her knuckles, "Please say something." You said, lips brushing against her fingers.

"Sorry, I just don't want to cry," Jihyo shook her head, voice shaky.

You gave her a look and half heartedly smiled, "Don't be sorry, I know it's stressful."

"I know you know," She chuckled dryly and sighed, looking at the dried blood on your face and the bandage that was wrapped diagonally around one side of your chest.

"Lay with me," You pleaded quietly, and pouted when she gave you a wary look. "It's fine, I'll be careful, you won't hurt me, Ji."

Jihyo wordlessly helped you move over a bit to give her space and settled into your uninjured side, letting you wrap your arm around her.

After a few minutes of neither of you speaking, she turned a bit so she could look up at you and rested her hand on your chest, "Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart-"

"Babe," She said sternly, and clearly your answer wasn't satisfying her.

"It hurts a little, yes."

"Fuck, I forgot to get Dr Hirai- I was suppossed to let her know when you woke up," Jihyo said in a panicky voice while sitting up.

You grabbed her hand before she could get out of her reach, "Ji, I know it stresses you out when I get hurt but I'm here now. I'm okay, I promise. I'll be better soon."

A shaky breath escaped her as tears welled in her eyes and she brought the hand you weren't holding up to her head, trying to calm herself.

"Look at me," You said gently, squeezing her hand to get her attention. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? You can relax now, babe. I'll even let you smother me with all of your affection and care until I'm better if that makes you feel better."

Jihyo smiled softly and nodded, wiping her face and squeezing your hand back before leaving to find Dr Hirai.


Later that night, you laid in bed, waiting for Jihyo to get back to the room you shared. Dr Hirai had put you on bedrest until further notice so you were stuck eating in your room and Jihyo was washing the dishes and getting water before returning to you.

When either of you got hurt, the other never took it well. Neither of you were very good at coping, that much was clear. You got closed off and bitchy when Jihyo was hurt and she got very anxious and paranoid when you were hurt, as if you'd die while she was in training for an hour or while she was showering.

Upon returning, you heard her let out a sigh of relief to see that you were still fine and you made grabby hands, which made her smile softly and cuddle into your side. You weren't allowed to cuddle into her like you usually did because of your arm but you thoroughly enjoyed when she held onto you.

Your fingers danced along her spine up and down for a few minutes and you felt your heart swell because of how lucky you felt to have Jihyo.

"Do you know how much I love you?" You asked, looking down at Jihyo in adoration which made her blush a bit.

"I could go for a reminder."

You chuckled, "I love you more than anything in this world, Jihyo. I really don't know what I would do without you and I wouldn't rather spend my life with anyone else."

"God, I love you so much," She groaned into your shoulder before placing a kiss on it. "No one has ever treated me the way you do. I can't live without you."

"I don't think I could live without you either," You said sincerely, rubbing her back and wishing you could lean down and kiss her without hurting yourself. "Remember what you told me when I first told you that I love you?"

Jihyo rolled her eyes, "Love is for children."

You hummed in response with a cocky smile, "How's that going for you?"


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