Ep. 32 | NAYEON

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Summary: Nayeon had been paying you late night visits for a couple months now, and despite there being no verbal agreement, you knew feelings had no place in the relationship. Despite that, feelings had begun to surface within you and you tried to suppress them until one night you can't help but blurt out the truth.


Unbeknownst to the members you and Nayeon had been seeing each other for close to six months, though 'seeing' wasn't the best way of putting it. What started as a one-night stand had now become a full-fledged, sex crazed, lustful, non-committal relationship. The key words being non-committal.

Though you knew you wanted more than just quick fucks and sneaking around, it seemed fairly clear the same could not be said for Nayeon. After losing so many people, letting anyone into her heart was an absolute and definite no. So, you settled. It wasn't your proudest moment, but the way she made you feel during those nights she'd quietly enter your room was unlike anything you'd ever known. She knew your body in a way no one else had come to know it, pinpointing each pleasure point and utilizing them till you were utterly spent almost every time.

Though you could never tell her, you relished the comfortability that exuded from every interaction the two of you shared. The only kicker being it was fleeting, and you'd be forced time after time to watch as she snuck back out of your room without so much as a word, or you'd wake up to an empty bed. None of that mattered, the unspoken rules were simple, feelings had no place in what the two of you were doing.

Judging by the lack of sleep you were enduring due to Nayeon's absence; it would seem you did indeed care a lot more than you wanted and the unspoken rule was now tarnished and swept to one side. The truth was she had become your weakness, one too many times your thoughts had been clouded on missions when Nayeon was in a compromising position. Yes, it was stupid to doubt her abilities, but your heart would stop whenever she went quiet over comms, driving you insane. The anguish you felt when she'd come back injured was incomparable, it tore at your heartstrings not to be able to run over and tend to her wounds.

Whether the same was applicable to Nayeon remained unknown.

It was early in the morning, the sun cascaded in through the curtains of your room, another reminder you hadn't slept all night. Soft faint chirps could be heard from out the window and though, to some, they were comforting, they only added to the clutter headache that was forming and vibrating along your temples. It had been almost a week since Nayeon had last visited you in the dead of night, and you were coming to realize just how reliant you'd become on her to lull you to sleep.

It had been around the three-month marker she'd begun staying with you after your endeavors, by morning the hands that held you tight would be gone, and with them, her. You told yourself it was more than before, and that had to be enough, that this wasn't a relationship, you didn't do the things couples did, so on the first night she stayed with you, you kicked yourself for assuming the outcome would be anything other than what it was.

Sleep didn't seem like it was on the table, the bedsheets clung to your chest, and though they provided warmth it was nothing compared to that of another body. All you wanted to do was go to Nayeon, but you knew better. The previous few nights you'd longed to hear the creaking sound of your door, light footsteps making their way to your bed and soft fingers exploring every inch of your body. It was never the other way, she was in control, another unspoken rule.

Nayeon chose where, she chose when, and no matter how hard you wanted or tried to say no, the primal need for her would always win over. The reality was you'd never stop letting it win, giving yourself over to her in any way she wanted time and time again. There it was again, that unyielding yearning for her, it controlled everything you did, overshadowing all rational and logical thoughts.

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