Ep. 6 | MINA

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WARNINGS: none   ;   Word Count: 750


The sun was shining through the window and illuminating your bed. You could feel it on your skin as you sat there still in your pajamas, reading a book. Your mind went from one page to another while you were stuck on one word at a time. After a while, you gave up trying to understand what you had just read.

You sighed and closed your book as you threw it onto your chest. You put a pillow over your face to block the sunlight. The pillow wasn't very effective and didn't do anything except make you even more tired. You sat up and looked at your clock. It said 6:00 am.

"Finish reading?" Mina asked in a soft voice, coming out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet from the shower she was just taking.

"Mmm," you answered with a grunt and laid back down again.

"Must've been a good book to make you wake up so early." You could hear her walk closer to you on the carpeted floor of your bedroom. She walked past you on her way to the closet. You listened to her opening and closing drawers as she chose clothes that would suit her for the briefing. You heard some rustling of fabric as Mina began dressing herself in something that looked professional and attractive.

"You look decent," you commented after a few seconds of silence, yawning. "You going somewhere important?"

Mina glanced into the mirror next to your headboard where you could see her reflection. She pulled out a shirt and pants to put on. When she turned around to you, you saw that her face was hidden behind the shirt and pants she held. "Jihyo says it's important. I don't know why she has to be so mysterious when we don't even know exactly what is going on yet."

"It must be important if he made you wake up so early."

Mina chuckled softly as she finished putting on the shirt. She stepped over you so that she could sit on your bed. "Yeah... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but you were still sleeping and you just seemed comfortable there. I couldn't wake you up."

You turned your head and smiled a little at her. "It's okay..." You yawned quietly. "I don't really want to get up anyway. I might go back to sleep soon."

"That sounds like a great idea," she agreed. "And when I come back later today, we can snuggle and watch some movies. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds good." You stretched your arms above your head as a yawn escaped from your lips. You closed your eyes slowly before saying, "Byebye. Be safe, please."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." Mina hugged you tight, then left the room and closed the door gently behind her. "Love you!" She called from outside.

You felt butterflies in your stomach at her words. "Love you too!" You responded. A faint smile spread across your lips as you stared at the ceiling and then turned to your side. There at the top of the nightstand near your bed, lay Mina's phone.

You groan as you sat up and reached over the nightstand. Grabbing the device and getting off the bed, you grabbed a pair of slippers by the bed and quickly padded your way into the living room hoping that Mina was still there.

"Babe! You forgot something!" You yelled, walking into the living room to find her just outside your front door.

She turned her attention towards you as she put on her coat. "What?... Oh!" Mina realized what you were talking about. She laughed lightly and kissed you on the lips softly as she said, "See you when I return, baby. Don't miss me too much."

You felt yourself turn red, caught off guard by the sudden kiss that she did not give you any warning about. But you recovered quickly, smiling wide at her "I meant this, but thanks." Holding out your hand, showing the phone to her.

She took it from you with a smile and shook her head. "Oh, I know I just really wanted to kiss you..." She teased. Mina bent down and gave you another quick kiss on the lips.

"You naughty penguin!" You exclaimed, giggling a bit. Mina smirked and then winked at you.

You watched as she waved goodbye once more, walking down the stairs and towards the front gate where her car was parked. She got into the driver's seat and drove away.


CONVERTED from TUMBLR.  Credits to the owner 

TWICE ONESHOTSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora