Ep. 24 | SANA

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Sana HeadCanon: Knight!Sana


She loves how smart you are, she's seen you at the war councils, with your father, the king. She loves the way you look at the map on the large table, moving pieces around the map like chess, explaining different tactics.Due to you being heir to the throne, you had a choice of who your head guard would be. Of course you chose Sana.Her favourite task was having to guard your door at knight, she took first watch which meant that you were still asleep when her shift was over. She would slip into your room quietly and slip into your bed

Slow shuffling woke you up from your unconscious state, you finally opened your eyes when the large queen sized bed dipped slightly from a new weight.

"hmm, Sana, that's you" you muttered

"yeah baby is just me, go back to sleep angel..."

"mhm," you reply wrapping your arms of her shoulders and nuzzling into her neck.

Literally so in love with you, she constantly sends you heart eyes from across the roomEveryone knows about you and Sana.Even your dad, but he's glad that it's Sana, not some untrustworthy man + no chance of unwanted pregnancy.So my man's chill with it.Sana thinks your so gorgeous, she loves when you go out in the courtyard, roaming around, stroking horses and picking flowers.When you give her freshly picked flowers.And she teared up when you made her a flower crown.Shes 100% friends with all the palaces animals. Scary guard dog? No soft puppy. Large stallion? No pony.You think it's so endearing.She loves doing your hair, since hers has to be short so it doesn't get in the way during combat. She's so good at it too, can do the most intricate braids and updos.Since being assigned your personal guard, she doesn't have to really leave for battles anymore. Thank God.Teaches you how to use weapons. You're useless at sword wielding but so good at archery.Loves dressing you up, opening the large closet of beautiful, beaded, flowy dresses and golden, bejewelled tiaras. You're a life size doll for her.When I mean she gets on her knees any time, she does. To bow to you and other things..She's such a sweetheart. Just is so considerate. Your walking through the garden and you get caught on a prickly bush? picks you up immediately. And tells the landscaper to sort it out lmao.Going on horse rides together through the forest.When she's sparring with the other knights and she looks over to see you watching.You swooning when you look at her win a duel.When she walks towards you forehead sweaty and a bloody nose, smirking because the other guys out cold on the floor.Your throne was smaller in stature than your father's, standing slightly to the left of his, your mother's on his right.She stood next to you, looking intimidating towards the lord's that gathered Infront of you.Your face was expressionless, cold even as different lords and common folk told you and your parents about the goings-on in the kingdom.Your voice was harsh and commanding, giving your opinions and orders.

A young man began to approach you outraged at something that you had said.

His hand traveled to his holster, trying to grab his sheathed weapon. But before his hand could reach it, it was detached from his body.

"You come any closer to the princess and I will cut of your tongue and throw you in the cellar to rot, you traitor-bastard"

You looked at Sana, her face was stone cold, outraged at the audacity he had to threaten you, the princess, her princess.

A small smile graced your lips, as you looked at the girls blood splattered face, ignoring the screaming man who was now being dragged, with his disembodied hand to be punished for treason elsewhere.

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