2 - Creation In Green

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Lola strutted down the street with a fake smile sitting upon her face. Looking around the busy streets, the young female kept to herself. There were countless people walking about, chatting away with their friends. Some were laughing, others arguing. She found herself being envious of how happy everyone seemed to be.

"Hahaha! Oh gosh, that was funny!" An elderly Jamaican man chuckled, walking along with his wife.

Lola sighed, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. She was sick of hearing laughter. Sick of people enjoying themselves. It was making her depressed, wanting to break down and cry. That was when she noticed something, or someone!

A man. A man with brown hair. A man with brown hair just watching The Moonlight Lounge. Lola spotted the stranger sitting on the roof of the building opposite her cousin's venue. She scratched her nose, confused and intrigued by the person.

Stopping outside The Moonlight Lounge, Lola took one last look towards the man. Wait, what was that she could see? Was he... Holding a bow and arrow? Her eyes shot open, concerned and surprised. But he too spotted her, at that exact second. The two stared towards each other with determined intent. As the stranger was about to move, Lola backed into the lounge.

Slamming the door behind her, Lola spun to be met with a couple of the lounge's patrons. They peered over the female as a young man made his way over to her. Grabbing her arm, the man guided her towards the bar. She sat on a stool before looking at him.

"Callum... Do you have your katanas nearby?" She asked quietly.

"I do... " He nodded slightly. "Why?"

"Because I think we're about to get attacked..."

As Lola finished her sentence, an arrow suddenly shot into the building. Shattering a blacked-out window, Callum and Lola stumbled backwards in surprise. The customers yelled as the glass hurtled through the air, landing on the ground, just missing the civilians.

"They're here..." Lola whispered.


"I don't know!" The blonde woman yelled. "But I think it's something to do with you..."

Looking at the wall behind the bar, Callum's eyes landed on the two katanas that hung up. With a smirk on the ex-assassins face, he launched upwards, taking both handles in his hands. Landing on the ground, he proceeded to flip over the bar, landing beside his cousin.

"Well whoever it is, they're about to-"

But before Chief Death could finish speaking, a flash grenade suddenly entered through the shattered window. Clinking against the ground, the device rolled towards Lola, causing her to gasp.


With a loud bang, a cloud of white smoke filled the room making it impossible for the human eye to see. Lola stumbled around, blinded, trying to locate her cousin or anything. But all she could hear was the sound of the two katanas ringing out across the floor. The pair were fighting, their breathing heavy as they battled.

"Callum?" She yelled, trying to locate her cousin.

But as the female Hilling Sibling stumbled about, she'd suddenly be struck. The chief was forced into her, with the pair colliding and falling to the ground. Rubbing their butts, the two peered at each other, shaking their head in disappointment.

"I can't see anything!" The chief declared.

"Then let's bloody change that!" Lola screamed.

Jumping up onto her feet, she held her arms out wide. Taking a deep breath, The Blinding Light began to appear. With the beams of the heavenly glow taking over every part of her skin, soon enough all that would be seen was the silhouette of a golden, fabulously curvy lady!

The bright lights that shone from Lola's body began to light up through the smoke, giving the Hilling pair the sight of a shadow. Holding what seemed like a bow and aiming it straight towards them, Lola would suddenly shoot a beam of energy forwards directly at the attacker. Leaping to avoid the attack, the stranger fell to the floor, dropping their weapon. The smoke began to dissipate, revealing the attacker.

He wore a yellow and orange suit, seeming to protect his chest. It had what seemed like a sun on the outfit, with it looking extremely well made. The man had a belt around his waist, which looked to hold different heads for his arrows.

"Who the hell are you?" The Blinding Light and Chief Death screamed in unison.

"The name's Apollo..." A Russian voice spoke. "Now surrender yourself, Chief Death!"


An unconscious Father Flame lay strapped to the same bed he'd been on for weeks. His body was limp, his mind was blank and his nervous system was overwhelmed. But what caught the eye most was the huge amount of blood and wires that covered his body. With electrical cables connected all over the villain's anatomy, it was obvious he was facing something serious.

Standing on either side of Graham were two robotic-looking women. One was a pink colour with metal skin. She seemed to have what looked like a hat connected to her head with long blades coming down on either side of her. The other was purple, with the same metallic-coloured skin. This one seemed different, with its arms being long and sharp instead this time.

"So... How is my test subject doing today?" The Puppeteer asked, making his way into the room.

"Not good..." The pink-clothed cyborg replied. "The Preloution Solution seems to not be having much of an effect..."

"Then you know what to do..."

Graham groaned as the robotic puppets began to apply more and more drugs. The purple one held him down firmly as the pink assured the liquid drug made its way into Graham's system. His body shook for a few seconds before going quiet once again. It was like Father Flame was back in prison again. If this wasn't going to get him off of drugs, then likely nothing would!

"How long will it take?" The Puppeteer asked, stepping forward.

"Just need to make sure he's stable..." The purple one answered.

Suddenly, Graham jolted. His arms and legs flung up into the air before falling back down like nothing ever happened. The Puppeteer had an evil smirk grow on his face, tapping his cane on the ground as it did. The two puppets would suddenly stand extremely still, acting like a soldier of some sort. The two looked towards their creator and leader, bowing their heads.

"Perfect..." He chuckled slightly.

"What are we going to do now?" The pink one asked, sounding worried.

"We're going to have fun..." The Puppeteer replied, making his way to the door.

As the smart-ass villain stepped outside of the room, he was met by a familiar face.

"Ready?" The Puppeteer smirked.

Before him, stood a newly created project of his. The Puppeteer's third puppet! Seemingly much bulkier and attack-ready, this female cyborg had the colour green chosen. With two huge cannons connected to either arm and a belt which they could control and use as a blade, this new being looked terrifying. Its eyes glowed with a bright yellow hue, seemingly ready to kill. This made the purple-suited man nod his head with an appreciation for his work.

"What's my mission?" A deep feminine voice spoke.

"I want you..." He smirked. "To bring me Freight-Tale!"

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now