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An email arrived on the account of a mysterious woman who sat in a bar. She had a name, but she didn't use it, and nobody knew what it was; well, not many. The strange email read: "I need you to steal something for me." Then it ended with an address in London.

It was enough information for her to know that whoever sent this message wanted her to go to England's capital city. She did not reply, but instead found a plane ticket and booked herself on a flight from her current residence in New York City to London. Back to her home country. When she had been younger, she'd dreamed about going back there, so perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

As she arrived at the airport and made her way onto the plane, the female would receive another email, this time with what looked like a map attached to it. It showed the blueprints of a large laboratory complex, which she guessed was where her contact worked. As she continued to study the email, her eyes spotted the name of the structure.

"Dellblade Industries..." The woman mumbled. "I think this is going to be fun!"

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now