3 - Mercenary Missions

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Chief Death and Lola stood opposite the mysterious Apollo as they all stood alone within The Moonlight Lounge. The customers had escaped, leaving only the three of them.

"So, that's not your sister..." The Russian man peered at Lola. "Where is she?"

"She'll probably turn up sooner or later," Chief Death replied.

"Well..." The enemy aimed his weapon forward. "I'll ask one last time, surrender yourself!"

"Why, who sent you?!" Lola yelled.

"The boss... The great one..." Apollo paused. "Mr Wedferdoor!"

Lola's eyes shot open as Callum squinted his.

"You're gonna wish you never came..." The male Death Sibling growled.

Without any warning, Chief Death launched into the air with his two katanas. Landing on top of Apollo, he was about to slice through his neck and end this once and for all. However, the Russian moved to dodge the strike. In the blink of an eye, his bow was already out again, aiming at Chief Death's face. Before he could fire, however, the Russian was lifted into the air.

"Nooo!" Lola shrieked, levitating off the ground while lifting the man up high.

Chief Death smirked as Lola launched Apollo to the ground. The Russian landed badly, his hands holding onto his side. Callum assumed the enemy was ready for the taking, so he went to charge in. But Lola's hand shot up, stopping him from moving forward.

"Stop..." She sighed. "Remember, you're an Outcast..."

The chief sighed and nodded, agreeing with his cousin. Placing his katanas on the bar, he walked over to the Russian. After placing a hand on his shoulder, Chief Death shook his head.

"Wedferdoor sent you because we strayed from him... Me and my sister... He was planning to destroy the UK, luckily it failed... But we couldn't stay by his side anymore. He enjoys death, he enjoys pain. Is that really you?"

Apollo's eyes peered up at the chief, remembering his time in Hong Kong. He had helped the people of that place. He stopped the evil villain. He lost a friend. Apollo's eyes closed as he thought deeply to himself.

"My name, is Enzo Ivanov..." The Russian finally spoke. "And... I'm sorry..."

Suddenly the door to the lounge swung open before a young woman with dark brown pigtails shuffled in.

"What the hell happened in here?" She yelled.


Flying through the air in his pink and orange super-suit, Freight-Tale sighed. How long has he been flying? And why isn't he tired?! Freight-Tale wondered, continuing his journey as he circled London. It was like he was just trying to distract himself from the fact that his brother was missing.

His eyes began to slowly close as he felt the wind against his face. He was trying to feel some peace, but that wouldn't last for long! A hissing sound would catch the man's attention, causing his eyes to flick back open. But as they did, Sky spotted two green, small missiles, heading straight for him!

Using his super speed, Freight-Tale flew out of the way, but it seemed the missiles were locked onto him. They quickly spun around him, until one was in front of him, and another behind. Using his speed once again, he tried to outfly them, but more and more kept appearing. He kept dodging, but soon enough, the missiles found their target. Suddenly, a blast of energy hit him. Freight-Tale fell to the ground, dazed.

He crashed onto the floor, with a crater being formed underneath him. He was in the middle of a road, so cars were going past him. One driver saw him and slammed on the brakes, causing the car to flip over. As the hero attempted to stand up, he noticed a large thudding sound coming towards him. Peering forward, he saw a robotic woman. With green metallic clothing, cannons as hands and a blade around its waist, the queer hero would gasp. This was no robot!

"No!" Freight-Tale cried out, as he attempted to get back up.

Launching up onto his feet, Freight-Tale erupted into his flame form. Covered in fire, he proceeded to shoot some forward. His attack made contact with the mechanical woman, causing her to stumble backwards. Freight-Tale then took control of the situation as he zoomed down to her and grabbed hold of the blade.

"Who are you?!" Freight-Tale yelled at the woman.

But as he finished, the blade in Sky's hand forced downwards. Slicing his arm badly, the hero would scream before stumbling backwards.

"Oh god..." Freight-Tale whimpered, as blood spilt out onto the floor.

But as Freight-Tale decided he'd had enough, something shocked him to the core. Without warning, Father Flame landed before Sky. He looked different somehow. He was still in his suit, with his fire erupting from it, but there was some kind of purple and gold wiring around his chest. It was similar to the green robotic woman.

"Dad?" Sky gulped.

Instantly, Father Flame launched towards his son. Striking him in the face with a huge force, the hero would be thrown to the floor, falling unconscious.

"Not... Anymore..." Father Flame robotically replied.


Sat in a booth, away from the shattered glass, Chief Death, Lola and Bella-Rose sat opposite Apollo. The trio stared down at the man, wanting all the answers they could get from him. You could feel the tension in the air.

"So, Enzo... Why are you here?" Bella-Rose questioned.

Apollo sighed and scratched his chin.

"Why do you think!" He shook his head. "Wedferdoor wants The Death Siblings dead. He hired me to do it. I knew I recognised you though... You were with those other heroes, stopping that water freak... Right?"

Chief Death nodded.

"You thought you could just beat him up and run away?" Apollo laughed. "No one escapes Wedferdoor... No one!"

Bella-Rose squinted her eyes.

"So you are nothing more than just a mercenary!" She grunted.

"No, I am more. I stopped some bastard from destroying Hong Kong with his stupid nanobots. I stopped on my mission Wedferdoor gave me to stop that Nightstalker!"

"Nanobots?" Lola blinked her eyes confused.

Apollo nodded.

"Yeah, they're microscopic machines that cause chaos. They can form together to create giant beasts!"

Lola sighed.

"I'm sorry, but..." She paused. "If this Wedferdoor is so scary and powerful, then why have you turned on his mission so easily?"

"As I said, I helped Hong Kong. I lost a friend. I only knew her for a little bit, but she helped me see this world in a new light. A lot of things have and I don't think I can continue on like a monster..." The Russian man paused. "I don't want to hurt people, I want to help them. I know some people deserve to be taken down and hurt, but that's for those that cause pain to begin with!"

"Similar to us then..." Chief Death piped up.

The chief stood up from the booth, gesturing for Apollo to join him. Soon, they were standing opposite each other. Holding out his hand, Callum smiled to Enzo. With that, the two shook.

"Well, Apollo..." He smirked. "I think we may just become friends!"

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