8 - Fighting For My Family

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Apollo chuckled as he quickly dodged the green puppet's next attack. She had given him a taste of what she was capable of. That was why he was trying to finish her off first. After all, she was the strongest of the three. Placing the Wedferdoor arrow into his bow, Enzo proceeded to pull back the string. He took aim, aiming straight for the green puppet's chest. Once he released the arrow, the green puppet flinched, preparing herself for the attack. The arrow flew through the air and landed directly in her torso, piercing straight through her metallic body; like a sword through flesh.

"You..." The green puppet growled, coughing up blood.

"That's how it's done..." Apollo grinned.

She stumbled backwards, with her body slightly beginning to shake. With one more of the arrows, he aimed directly for the woman's head. He now knew killing wasn't always the way to go, but to survive, he'd do anything! After all, it was only a robot. The arrow struck true, hitting the woman's robotic skull and getting lodged in place. The green puppet dropped to the ground, the life fading from her eyes. But, to Enzo's surprise, blood began to leak from the wound. Was she not a robot?

"Shit..." Apollo muttered, pulling another arrow out of his quiver.

With the green puppet finally out of the way, Enzo knew it would be the perfect time to escape. With a swift act, Apollo shot one arrow towards the pink puppet before firing another at the purple. Instead of sticking around to see if he hit, he sprinted off. The last thing he needed was to become a prisoner or worse.

As he ran, Enzo began to parkour his way up the side of an old building. Getting to the roof, he took a glance over his shoulder to see no one in sight. His heart pounded in his chest, knowing he had escaped the scene. However, it was a short-lived victory.

"Bastard!" A voice called out behind him.

Turning around in shock, he found himself face-to-face with a familiar woman.

"Cross?" He gasped.


Lola and Tanya blinked with confusion and curiosity as they watched the strange girl before them.

"Who are you?" Tanya questioned.

"You needn't concern yourselves..." The woman answered.

"But..." Lola said, looking down at the stall. "How did you know our names... And where did you come from?"

"For the time being, I allow you only my name..." She paused. "And some information."

"Information?" Tanya repeated.

"The one to whom it may concern, consider the more famous hierarchy..." She nodded. "And for how to stop the perpetrator... All the strings hold them high..."

With a wink, and a flash of red light, the entire stall, including the lady, was gone. The two Hilling women were confused to the core, having no idea what had just happened.

"What the hell was that?!" Tanya shouted, shaking her head.

"I have no clue..." Lola sighed.

"Well, what now?" Tanya asked.

"Consider the more famous hierarchy..." The heroine repeated. "Strings hold them..."

Suddenly Lola would gasp.

"It's Disney Duchess, that's who this villain is trying to hurt!"

As Lola finished her sentence, the two ladies heard footsteps approaching. As they spun around to locate the source, the pair spotted Apollo getting near. They both waved with warm smiles on their faces, relieved to see he was alive. As he ran closer, to the female's surprise, they witnessed the wounds across his body slowly close up and heal. The sunlight shone over the group, with Enzo sliding to a stop before them.

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now