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The Puppeteer stumbled down the street, without his cane in sight. His body felt like it was in pieces and parts, his purple suit torn and battered from the fight he'd just fought. The villain was completely beaten, barely able to move or stand properly. Even though he knew it was over, the feeling of defeat was still present.

The Puppeteer was suddenly joined by his pink and purple puppets as they aided him in walking. The villain was in no state to do so himself.

"Thank you for helping me!" The villain croaked as they continued on their journey through the back alleys of London.

"My pleasure, Master." The pink puppet bowed its head low.

"Where are we heading?" The purple one added.

The three skidded to a halt, with The Puppeteer turning to his two remaining creations.

"We're off to the airport..." He smirked. "Disney Land The Country should be expecting us!"

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now