7 - Protection Granted

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Still sitting within The Moonlight Lounge, Tanya, Lola and Enzo all looked between one another. They decided to wait for The Death Siblings to return, with Bella-Rose being the second-best bet beside The Blinding Light for protection.

The trio were discussing different Outcast members, trying to figure out if any of them were connected to what was happening.

"If it's not The Death Siblings or Black Star," Lola pondered aloud. "Then it must be either The Golden Edge or Disney Duchess..."

"Well, how do you know that?" Enzo asked.

"The Death Siblings are my cousins, I'm sure they would be more involved if it was to do with them..." She paused. "And for Black Star, well, let's just say she's new to everyone on this planet..."

"She certainly doesn't seem like the type to be involved in anything." Tanya said. "But then again, I've never met anyone quite so powerful as her..."

"Wait, how do you know all of this about her?" Apollo asked, seeming very confused.

"She crashed to Earth..." Lola smirked.

"Wait, so she's... An... Alien?" Enzo blinked several times.

The two Hilling women nodded in response.

"Oh wow..." The archer muttered. "That's amazing..."

"Exactly," Lola smiled. "However, we still don't know who is responsible for this... We should keep our eyes and ears peeled for any strange happenings..."

The trio would jump out of their skin as they suddenly heard the door in the main lounge being forced open. Their eyes peered towards the entryway of the room they were in, with Apollo instantly getting to his feet. Taking his bow off from his back, he'd squint his eyes.

"Get to the back of the room!" He ordered the others. "I'll cover us!"

The two women obeyed, moving away from the entrance and making their way to the back of the room. Enzo however, would remain standing, straining his eyes and hearing out for anything coming towards the doorway. There was a sudden crash as something hit the ground, followed by the sound of metal scraping across the floor.

"Enzo, come on!" Lola yelled from the back of the staff room.

"NO!" He hollered back, aiming his bow towards the doorway. "You need to get away so you can protect your mother! I refuse to lose another friend! Not again!"

Lola and Tanya located a back door, shuffling towards it. Looking back to her Russian friend, Lola would hear him mumble something before they launched themselves out.

"For Cross..."

As the two women left the lounge through the back door, the entryway before Apollo was blown open. Without warning, the three puppets launched inside. Somehow, the pink one was completely repaired and ready for battle. The man's eyes slightly widened, not expecting the other two robotic women.

"Bring it on..." He smirked.

With that, Apollo launched the first arrow forward. It hit the pink puppet, easily bouncing off her metallic skin. His goal was to not damage the lounge, so he had to lure the three outside without them spotting Lola or Tanya.

The purple puppet quickly jumped into the air, aiming her bladed hands down towards the archer. However, Apollo was prepared for this. Using his bow, he swung the weapon around before smashing it into her arms. A loud clang filled the room, with his attacker being launched to the ground.

The green puppet came next, launching herself at the man. Apollo knew it was time to get them outside after he noticed his new target's cannon arms. Stumbling backwards to the back door, Enzo crossed his fingers as he hoped the Hilling women had gotten far away by now.

"Bow and Arrow!" The green puppet statically screamed.

Apollo's eyes widened in fear as he heard the familiar sound of an incoming attack. While he knew he should dodge it, he was too slow to react. The belt blade around the green puppet's waist sliced at Enzo's leg, causing the archer to cry out in pain.

He kicked the back door open with all his might, falling out of it as a result. As he landed on the ground, the green puppet launched herself towards him once again. This time, she aimed to cut off his legs. A smirk grew on the man's face, backflipping just in time to dodge the strike. Landing on his two legs, he prepared himself for the next attack.

The three puppets lined up before the mercenary, ready to launch their moves. Just as he thought, the green puppet was the fastest among them. With a quick swing of her weapon, her belt blade managed to slice through Apollo's elbow. Blood trickled out of the Russian's wounds as he continuously fired arrows towards the robotic trio.

His focus and concentration were on the green puppet. She was the only one who could damage him without taking too much time. If he could defeat her, then all of the others would be no match for him. But while she was still active, the two remained a threat.

The purple and pink robots launched into the air on either side of the man, bringing down their bladed bodies towards him. The pink one aimed to slice right through his neck, while the purple one was going for his legs. But luckily, Enzo easily leapt out of the way. Both attacks missed, with the purple robot slicing through the ground; finding themselves stuck. The other tumbled onto the floor, hitting its head in the process.

The green puppet made her move, charging up her cannons with a chuckle. She swung her left arm down towards him, firing a beam of energy directly at the man. He immediately ducked behind his back, dodging the attack.

"Who even are you?" She yelled in anger.

"The name's Apollo!" He smirked. "Russian mercenary and justice seeker!"

The green puppet laughed before throwing her cannon down towards the ground. The energy wave shot out, cutting through the ground beneath Apollo's feet. Although the blast didn't injure him, it did manage to knock him back a few feet, making him stumble onto his bottom. Grunting as he fell to the hard ground, he looked over to see the green puppet getting back up.

"Time to end this..." She growled.

Enzo waved his hand around his quiver, gasping as he realized he was starting to run low on arrows. He began to worry, as the green puppet started to stomp towards him. But then, Apollo remembered something. The last few arrows he had been saving, were brand new ones. But he didn't use them for one reason... They were supplied to him by one Mr Wedferdoor!

They were longer and sleeker in design, with a sharper metal tip. However, the thing that caught his eye most was the black and red patterning running along its length. These arrows were made to pierce through something thicker than skin!

This meant, there was a very good chance these arrows would make it through each puppet's defences. Apollo smiled as he pulled out one of Wedferdoor's arrows, readying himself for battle. As he looked around, Enzo realized the other two puppets had risen to their feet.

"Bring it..." Apollo smirked.


Sprinting down the street, Lola and Tanya seemed to be running out of breath. Fortunately, they had managed to get away from the situation that was happening at The Moonlight Lounge but found themselves stuck on where to go.

"Where do we go?!" Lola asked.

"I don't know..." Tanya replied, panting heavily.

As they made their way down the London streets, the pair suddenly spotted a stall. It was like it just appeared there. Not being there a few seconds ago. Walking over to it, they saw a sign saying 'The Reddish Rose'. For some reason, it had green garden tables and chairs scattered before it, not matching the theme whatsoever.

Behind the stall, stood a young blonde woman. With a red puffy dress and a huge smile, she seemed to be staring directly at the two Hilling women. The two felt pulled towards the place, strolling over to it as if they had no control over themselves. As they stopped before the lady, she lowered her head to study them.

"Why hello, Lola... Tanya..." They spoke with a mysterious voice.

"W- What, who are you?" Lola squeaked, seeming alarmed.

"Calm yourself dear..." She smiled. "You may call me, Cecilia..."

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now