10 - The Purple Guy

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As Lola, Graham, Tanya and Enzo all spoke amongst one another, Sky was slowly waking up behind them, groaning as he rubbed his forehead. The pain from the fight still lingered within him. He looked down at his super-suit, recalling everything he did as he was under The Puppeteer's control. He remembered everything. Even though he was free of the villain's hold, he could still hear the villain's voice echoing inside his head. And as long as that was the case, he doubted he'd be able to sleep properly let alone be a hero.

Lola would eventually spot her brother standing behind them, and immediately rushed over to his side and hugged him tightly as she did.

"Sky..." She whispered in a worried tone. "Are you okay!?"

Her brother would nod his head in response, smiling lightly as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He'd look towards the group, noticing that Tanya had a concerned expression on her face.

"Mum?" He coughed, then spotting Father Flame. "Dad?"

"Hey there, son!" Father Flame smiled, nodding his head.

Freight-Tale felt dazed and confused. His father was helping them? He wasn't sure what to think, as he looked between them all. It was almost like a dream. His mind couldn't wrap around it at all.

"So... We're good?" Graham finally asked, feeling relieved and strange that he'd be reunited with his family once again.

"So, anyway, now that everyone's good... We need to deal with that Puppeteer!" Lola declared with a determined look on her face.

Enzo and Tanya nodded in agreement, while Graham and Sky both looked shocked.

"Are you sure about that?" The villain commented. "I and your brother failed against him..."

"But we have numbers now!" Enzo smirked.

"There's four of us, I'm not letting Mum get involved!" Sky interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Tanya spoke up, spotting a metal bar on the ground and grabbing it, getting in a defensive stance. "I can handle myself, boy!"

Lola smirked at her mother's response, turning to face her brother. Father Flame and Apollo both nodded towards the gay hero as if they too felt like the woman's words were true.

"We can do this!" Lola nodded.

But as she finished speaking, an explosion erupted underneath the five, sending them all flying. They hit the ground, all grunting from the pain and impact. As the smoke cleared, Graham, Lola, Tanya, Sky and Enzo all found themselves surrounded by the Puppeteer's puppets.

The pink and purple creations stood on opposite sides of the group. Their metallic bodies shone brightly as they glared down at the heroes.

"It's time for a little show!" The Puppeteer laughed, walking towards the group.

His hand went into his pocket and pulled out a small remote device. With it in one hand and the other holding onto his cane, the villain nodded towards the five that stood before him.

"Hilling family... And a stray..." He commented, peering towards Apollo. "Shame Tmo and Ben couldn't be here today, but that's fine. I'll get them eventually!"

"Back off purple guy!" Lola growled. "Your reign of terror ends here!"

"Is that true, small girl?" He chuckled.

She took a step forward, placing her hands on her hips as she faced the evil man. Staring towards the golden mask that sat upon his face, the female squinted her eyes as if she could see through the thing.

"If Disney Duchess was able to take you down... Then so can I and the rest of my family," She smirked, feeling brave for some reason despite their situation.

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