11 - Time Of The Puppeteer

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With it seeming as if The Puppeteer was about to blast off Lola's head, he quickly pressed the button on his remote device. The shock went through the four puppets, causing them to step away from their targets simultaneously. With a swift movement of his cane, the villainous Puppeteer released four blasts towards The Blinding Light's allies. Each being blown away from the impact of the blast, Lola seemed to now be standing alone. As she peered up at the man before her, the female Hilling sibling slowly made her way onto her feet.

"Why are you even doing this?" Lola screamed, with the white and yellow light shining off her harshly. "What did we ever do to you?"

"You were friends with that bitch, Belle White!" The Puppeteer yelled in response. "She believed she could take all my work from me? Watch me take the last people she cares about!"

"Seriously?" She blinked her eyes a few times. "You really are a sad, sad, little man..."

"Sad? I am not sad." He chuckled as he raised his cane up high. "I am going to destroy your lives once and for all!"

Lola scoffed as she looked at The Puppeteer with disgust. She went to fly at him, but he responded first; sending several blasts from his cane towards the heroine. She dodged most of them, except for one which grazed her shoulder. However, she didn't have much time to react before he shot his next attack, which came straight for her stomach. She tried to dodge, but it critically hit her. The force threw her back a few feet causing her to fall to the ground, coughing hard as her breath got caught in her throat.

"Lucky for you, I could still use you..." The villain said as strolled up to Lola with a grin on his face. "You would make a great puppet, unlike your brother and father!"

As the two argued, Apollo's eyes slowly opened. Finally awakening from the damage the explosion caused, Enzo's vision seemed to be blurry. He couldn't tell who had won or lost, as his focus wasn't on any particular person right then. But that wouldn't last for long as his ears caught the sound of Lola and The Puppeteer. As his eyes adjusted, he spotted the villain standing over the heroine. He felt a pit in his stomach, before suddenly, once again, Cross appeared before him.

Looking down at the Russian mercenary, the ghost-like woman stared at him. Her lifeless eyes squinted as they looked towards him curiously. Her body slowly moved as she stepped closer to him. Holding her hand, she'd grab hold of Enzo's, pulling him to his feet. As he stood there in utter shock, Cross grabbed his bow before handing it to him.

"You are Enzo Ivanov..." She quietly whispered to him. "Show them who you really are."

Her words were soft and gentle as she spoke to him, almost like he was a child. However, the message she spoke was strong and confident. There would be no backing out, not after what she just told him.

A determined look grew on the man's face, nodding to his deceased friend, with her disappearing soon after. He would be spooked for a few seconds, before quickly feeling something move in his quiver. Reaching back, the man realized he had a single Wedferdoor arrow left. He'd pull it out from its holster, before looking up at the heroine as he readied himself.

"Don't worry..." He quietly muttered, taking aim as he looked directly at The Puppeteer. "I won't forget you, Ophelia!"

"You won't ever take control of me!" Lola screamed at the villain in front of her. "Never! And especially not now when I have so many things planned! You're nothing compared to what I can do!"

Charging up, The Blinding Light fired a series of blasts at the villain. It seemed as if she was trying to get him down with her attacks before he unleashed another blast. This time she managed to dodge it; however, he followed up by shooting her right in the gut. Rolling across the ground, Lola grunted as he began to hold up his cane again.

Lola Hilling: The Blinding LightWhere stories live. Discover now