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Trigger warning: Torture, blood



I lost control.


But how couldn't I?

She asked me to kiss her so I took the chance. I took the fucking chance and I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have let myself lose control. But I already did when I told her she is going to sleep with me because that is truly the safest option right now.

Or so I tell myself that, because it is isn't it?

I can't let her be hurt again. And the fucking stalker was in my house and put the letter in my living room. In my fucking living room. What if he was in there when Angelina and Sabrina were in the kitchen?

What if he was fucking watching them from inside the house? I grit my teeth together by the thought, the thought of him being in the house and going free as a fucking bird and doing whatever the hell he wants.

"Check the house for bugs and cameras. If you can't find something the first time, check the second time. And if nothing then, check again the fucking third time. If you find anything come straight to my office." I demand one of the guards and he gives me a nod before I stroll over to my office with Will behind me.

I open the door and head in. I throw the letter on the desk before I take a deep breath as I walk over to the tray of drinks and pour myself a whiskey. I chug it quickly before I pour into another one and then sit down in the chair as I take another sip while Will sits in front of me.

"The fucker was in the house." I grunt as Will reads the letter and his face turns pale as the snow and his lips into a thin line as his eyes move frankly over the letters.

"This must be someone that works on the inside." He concludes with when he's done and I give him a nod, taking another sip before I place the glass down.

"Totally." I agree, clenching my hand into my fist by the thought of it. Someone in the house must be or is working with the stalker. Someone that I led into my home to protect Angelina, and I'm going to find out who that fucker is.

I'm going to destroy him.

"We need to make Trevor talk, but how the fuck do we do that." I mumble as I stroke my chin, taking a sip of my whiskey as I think about how I can torture him to make him talk.

"What are you going to do?" I look over at Will as I take another sip of the whiskey and I shrug. "I'm going to make him fucking talk. Even if he isn't the stalker, I'm going to make him reveal who the fucker is."

"But we have another problem to discuss first." Will announces and I look at him with confusion, but I understand what he is referring to when he gets a smirk on his face. I groan and tilt my head back and close my eyes, not ready for what he's going to say.

"What was up with that fucking kiss? You were basically sucking each other's tongues dude." He exclaims and I sigh and give him a glare, but he just looks at me with amusement.

"It's just a kiss." I shrug off, but he shakes his head. "No no no, that wasn't just a kiss. That was a hungry kiss, you could've swallowed up her face if I didn't come in time." He teases and I give him the finger but he only cackles in return.

"Bro, this is exciting. You haven't been this hungry for a girl in forever. When was the last time you got laid?" He asks and I scoff, hearing the door open when I stare right in front of me as I take another sip.

The Protector // 18+Where stories live. Discover now