Chap 1

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Emiliano's POV-

I just moved to Whitefish, Montana with my mom and younger Brother, Gael. My dad lives in Oregon because that's where we used to live before the divorce. I'm going to Whitefish Middle school and I'm in the 7th grade. Since It's my first day here and I don't have any friends yet, I'm nervous. I didn't talk to anyone during my first few hours or during lunch. I talked to some people during 5th hour but not much happened. The rest of the day went uneventfully until my 7th hour gym class. These two boys who I assumed were twins came up to talk to me. They asked me if I was new and we made introductions. Their names are Max and Kayden. They invited me over to hang out with their group and I agreed. 

Their group consisted of them, Max, who had longer dark hair and tan skin, Kayden who looked very similar but had his hair shorter and had a mole under his left eye, a boy with light brown wavy hair and light freckles who's name was Dakota, a boy with dark, straight, spiky hair who was short named William, they called him Will, and a tall boy who had long blonde hair and his name was Declan. They were all nice and seemed to welcome me into their group. I continued to eat lunch with them most days for the rest of the year which wasn't very long since I only moved in towards the end of the school year. I was never super close with any of them since I moved in so late. Max and Kayden always invited me out with everyone else when they hung out outside of school though and everyone seemed to like me. Over the summer we continued to hangout every so often and when our 8th grade year started to get close we were all anxious to see each others schedules with the hopes we would be in some classes together. It turned out me and Dakota had science, history and gym (again) together, I also had Home ec. with Declan and Advisory with Max. I was excited to get to know Dakota better, he seemed cool, he was just quiet. 

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