Chap 4

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Dakota's POV~ *time skip*

Me and Emiliano have been best friends for about 3 years now. We are nearing the end of our sophomore year and Max and Kayden have to move away. Declan got a new friend group when we entered our freshman year. They were some kids he had been talking to in 8th grade but was never fully in their group until this past summer. They were kinda assholes so we didn't really like them. They were major bullies so we didn't know why Declan wanted to hangout with them. William got a girlfriend this year a few months ago so he's been hanging with us less and less. His girlfriend is nice though, she's hung out with us a few times. Now that the twins were leaving it was kinda just me and Emiliano. We still hung out just as often as we used to. He practically lives at our house. The majority of his wardrobe is probably in my closet. We can't share clothes as much as we used to now that he's so much taller than me. I was around '5"9 and I think he's somewhere around '6" now. Emiliano is such a special friend to me. I've never been this close with anyone before. Seeing him genuinely brightens my day, that's how good of a friend he is. 

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