Chapter 16

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Emiliano's POV~

I realized I was being selfish and decided it was best to tell him. "Dakota." I said, trying to sit up to look at him. I felt dizzy. He looked at me through wet eyelashes and furrowed brows, I noticed his jaw was clenched and I reached my hand out to wipe a tear off his face. "I'm scared you're going to hate me." I sighed and dropped my hand to his and squeezed. "I wouldn't hate you Emiliano, you could never do anything to make me hate you. You've hurt me, yes but that doesn't mean I hate you, even after all this." He squeezed my hand in return. I looked at him, preparing myself for what's to come. "I'm in love with you Dakota, that's why I've been avoiding you, to get rid of my feelings for you but they just come back stronger every time I see you. Nothing's been working and I just don't know what to do. I'm so sorry." I ran a hand through my hair and slumped against the bathtub all the while avoiding eye contact. He stared blankly at me for a few seconds before he spoke, "I uh- I need to think about this." I noticed he was blushing, probably flustered by the sudden confession. "If you're feeling good enough on your own I'm gonna head out." He stood up and grabbed my jacket, handing it to me. "Will you be okay on your own for now?" He said, looking incredibly embarrassed. "Yeah." I sighed. "Okay, I'll uh, talk to you tomorrow." He stuttered, blushing heavily. He turned to leave and stopped. "I don't hate you." he turned to me and nodded, reassuring me before leaving. I groaned and slumped to the floor.

WARNING: use of offensive slurs and mentions of homophobia!!

A few hours passed of me laying there on the bathroom floor, people coming in and out, stepping over me and doing their business despite me being on the floor in front of the toilet. Eventually I stood up, feeling a lot less woozy, I walked out of the bathroom with my jacket over my arm and stopped when I saw Declan. Declan is Dakota's and my old friend. He started hanging out with a bad crowd so we didn't hang anymore but I figured I'd still go say hi to him. "Hey Declan, long time no see huh?" I  spoke loudly so he'd hear me over the crowd. He turned to look at me and smirked "Hey, what's up?" He had a weirdly smug look on his face but I ignored it figuring he was just drunk. "Not much, just saying hi, It's been a minute since I last saw you, what's new with you?" I offered a smile, feeling awkward. "Not much is new with me, but I can't help but notice your little fairy boy isn't with you." 

*for this part I recommend listening to MENTHOL by Jean Dawson*

The smile on his face was much more sinister looking "Excuse me?" I asked, exasperated. Is he saying what I think he's saying? "Oh you know, Dakota. Isn't it gross how he follows you around? He's clearly into you. Why don't you show him his place? isn't it disgusting how obsessed he is with you?" He stepped closer to me, attempting to intimidate me, clearly he was saying what I thought he was saying. I stood up a little taller, feeling him trying to intimidate me. Although he was taller than me and certainly not a weak motherfucker, I was bigger in build and I hoped I could use that to my advantage. "The fuck are you saying?" I stepped closer, using his intimidation tactic against him. "Oh, then again, maybe you're also a fag? I didn't take you for a bitch though. Let me guess, he's the one taking it up the ass." I clenched my jaw and spoke, "Say that shit again, I'll smack that stupid fucking look off your ugly ass face." I shoved him. "AHAHA, not denying it?! I knew you were fucking him, faggot." His smile disappeared and right as it did, he swung a punch at me, hitting me square in the jaw. 

I snapped and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt using it to land a punch right in his face, I heard a crunch as my fist made contact with his nose. He fought back and eventually we ended up on the ground, he was on top at first but I was able to block most of his hits to my face with my right forearm before socking him in the face with my left hand and forcing him to roll over. Once I was on top, I began punching him straight in the face, holding him by the shirt with my other hand. Once I had gotten enough punches in, I grabbed him with both hands. "WHAT'S MY NAME MOTHER FUCKER?! WHAT'S MY FUCKING NAME!?" At this point, the remaining people at the party had come to see what was happening. "What the fuck is wrong with you??" Declan cried out, using his arms to cover his face. "You're fff- fucking insane!!!" He pushed me off him and climbed out from under me. 

I felt blood dripping down my face, He had definitely fucked me up. I looked at his face and it looked pretty fucking bad. It seemed like I had done more damage but It was hard to know, considering I couldn't see myself.  He had already gotten whisked away by others so they could treat his wounds. Brittany ran up to me and began asking what happened. I tuned her out and I noticed some keys on the ground where he was. I knew he had a motorcycle so I took the keys and stood. I pushed past Brittany and went outside. I looked for his bike and once I saw it I knew what I had to do. Brittany saw me head outside and had ran out to check on me. Once she saw me putting on the helmet to his motorcycle she screamed "EMILANO, NO. OH MY GOD." I gave a peace sign right as Declan came out to see me on his bike. "WHAT THE FUCK!" As if right on queue, I yelled "LATER FUCKERS!" I sped off and watched him try to run after me only to trip on a bottle that was on the stairs. I knew he wouldn't call the cops because everyone at the party, including him, were underage drinking, so with that in mind, I rode to Dakota's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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