Chapter 15

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Dakota's POV~

I spent the rest of the week in anticipation for Friday, and now that it's the day of the party I am so incredibly nervous. I spent almost my whole afternoon feeling like I was going to throw up. I put extra effort into my outfit and hair this time, I don't know why, maybe it was the nerves. I drove myself over around 10:30, Brittany told me to arrive late so that she had time to get Emiliano's inhibitions low. When I arrived I saw him standing in a corner leaning against a wall with Brittany trying to keep him upright. He looked pretty out of it. 

Brittany noticed me walk in and immediately walked up to me. "Dakota, I may have went overboard." She said frantically. "Oh my god, Brittany! What did you do? I didn't think you'd give him alcohol poisoning!" I gestured towards him exasperated. "It wasn't my fault! He wouldn't slow down! It doesn't matter, you can still talk to him. He is very obviously having a hard time without you." She placed her hands on her hips and cocked her eyebrow at me. "I can't talk to him if he's unconscious, Brittany." I pushed my hair back and sighed. "Whatever, I'll try to see what I can do to help him first." I walked past her and up to him. He was slumped against the wall and sitting on a bench when I got to him. He looked up to see me and smiled. My heart pounded in my chest. "Hey big guy, lets get you to the bathroom." I said draping his arm over my shoulder and doing my best to keep him steady. "I'm so glad to see you." He mumbled, slurring his words and  I blushed, despite him stumbling  over himself. 

Once I got him to the bathroom, I got him on his knees in front of the toilet and rubbed his back. "We gotta get you to throw up or something Emiliano." I muttered. "I think it's gonna happen." He mumbled sounding sick. "Oh good, don't hold back okay? I'm gonna get water, stay right there, okay?" As I rushed out of the bathroom to the kitchen I heard him retching. I got water as quickly as I could and rushed back to him to see him laying on the tiled floor. the vomit unflushed in the toilet. I sighed, set the water cup on the counter, closed the toilet lid, and flushed the toilet. I turned to Emiliano on the floor and helped him into a sitting position against the bathtub. "Okay, I'm gonna have you drink some water okay?" I grabbed the water cup and brought it to his mouth. He drank but when I pulled back, some spilled from his mouth onto his shirt. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. "Sorry." I said putting the cup back on the counter. He laid down on the tiled floor once again and placed his hand in mine on my lap. "is cool." he slurred his speech. I laughed "Is the floor cool?" I squeezed his hand in my own. "Mmm." he moaned in confirmation. I placed my hand to his forehead and he was burning up. I sighed. "I don't know what to do Emiliano." He opened his eyes and stared at me. I felt his stare on me for several minutes, I was nervous. "You look good tonight." He spoke surprisingly coherently. I smiled "Thanks. I can't say the same about you though, you look rough." I laughed and he smiled. I looked at the floor and thought.

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned. "Hm?" He looked at me and my breath caught in my throat. "Well I was just... I was wondering why you've been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong? I just don't understand why you don't wanna be around me anymore unless you're, y'know, drunk or high." I waited expectantly. He sighed, "You didn't do anything wrong, and I do want to be around you, all the time. I miss you a lot." he squeezed his eyes shut and held my hand tighter than before. He had a pained look on his face as he thought. "Why haven't we been talking then?" I asked quietly. "Dakota, I can't tell you that." He said sadly, squeezing my hand. "Why not?" I asked desperately, losing patience. "Why can't you just talk to me?? Can't I do anything to fix this? Please." I begged, my words wavering. Tears welled in my eyes and he looked at me, hearing my voice hitch.

Emiliano's POV~

I heard Dakota's voice waver as he begged me, my heart tore at the sight of his face, tears welled in his eyes and he looked like he could break at any moment. In that moment, I realized I was being selfish and I decided it was best to tell him, it didn't matter if he hated me after or not, it would be better than seeing him suffer like this. 

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