Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

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This is it, a new start. Grey Sloan, here I come. I just transferred here from John's Hopkins. Don't get me wrong, I loved it there, but its time for change. I'm a Neuro attending, but I hope to one day be Chief of Neuro. I currently don't know anyone there so I guess it's time to make friends. I walk through the doors of Grey Sloan, taking in what I see before me. Doctors walking about, Nurses on the computers, interns running everywhere, patients in beds. I need to find my way to the Chief's office, lets see how well this goes. I walk up to the Nurse's station.

"Excuse me, could you point me in the right direction to Chief Bailey's office?"

"Take the elevator up to the 3rd floor, walk straight across the bridge and it's on your right side, you can't miss it"

"Thank you, have a nice day"

I walk towards the elevator, pressing the button to go up. I step inside and press for the 3rd floor. luckily, no one was in the elevator so there wasn't any uncomfortable silence. The elevator dinged, opening the doors and I stepped out. The bridge was easy to spot and so was the office. I walked across the bridge and knocked on the Chief's door.

"Come in"

I opened the door and walked inside, seeing Chief Bailey. I did not expect her to be as small as she was, but she certainly did assert her authority. Just what you need when running one of the best hospitals in the country.

"Ah, Dr Y/L/N, it's so nice to finally see you again. How about I show you to the attending's lounge and we go from there?"

"That sounds good to me. Let's go"

Bailey leads me through the hallways of the hospital towards the attending's lounge. It's going to take so long to find my way around here, it so big and confusing. I need to make a mental note of where I am and which hallways to take to be able to find my way around just for today. We finally reach the attending's lounge and there are more people in here than I thought there would be.

"Hello everyone, I would like you to meet our new Neuro attending, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N meet Dr Grey, Head of general. Dr Pierce, Head of Cardio. Dr Torres, Head of Ortho. Dr Robbins, Head of Peds. Dr Hunt, Head of Trauma"

They all look at me and smile as they say hello to me. It feels welcoming at least. I hear some footsteps behind me as someone else enters the room. I turn around and I am met with a brunette haired, blue eyed woman.

"Ah Dr Shepherd, you're just in time. This is Dr Y/L/N. They are our new attending in your department. Y/N, this is Dr Shepherd, Head of Neuro"

I extend my hand out and shake hers, smiling. She seems nice at least.

"So you're my new attending? "

"I guess I am. It will be a pleasure to work as a part of your team, I'm sure"

"How about I show you around the department and the rest of the hospital. Let you get a feel of the environment and how everything works around here. Also, you can call me Amelia when not around patients"

"Yeah, of course. I just need to grabs some scrubs and my lab coat first"

"I'll lead the way, let's go"

I followed Amelia as she showed me the way to where I can get some scrubs for myself and grab my new lab coat. Amelia seems nice. Not one of those who is bossy just because they can. I can see myself and her becoming friends eventually.

"Scrubs are in there and here is your lab coat"

I quickly got changed into my scrubs and put my lab coat on, looking at my name on it as I smile.

"Shall we continue the tour Dr Shepherd?"

"Amelia, and yes, we shall. Follow me"

I followed her and walked around the hospital, taking in my surroundings and seeing each department around me. The hospital was so well run, I couldn't believe it. No wonder they are a level 1 trauma centre and one of the best in the country. I got to see where each lab and tech room was. They even have a blue light room. I heard it's supposed to help relax  you. I will have to try it out when I have some free time. We eventually circle back round after seeing all of the hospital and end up back in the attending's lounge.

"So, that's the hospital. I hope you enjoyed the tour"

"I really did. Thank you D- Amelia"

I smile at her as she smiles back at me. She definitely is one to keep as a friend. That's one down, let's see how the rest of the doctors are here.

"I heard there is a bar across the street from here. Would you like to grab a drink after work sometime?"

"I... don't drink, but we can grab one if you want, I just won't be drinking alcohol"

"I'm sorry. I mean, I'm happy to have a drink with you either way. Maybe invite a few more people as well to become more acquainted with some more doctors here. I could do with some buddies here"

"I'd like that. You'll gain friends here very quickly. Especially Meredith if you drink Tequila she is the queen of Tequila shots"

"I'll take that" I laughed

And just like that, I'm already being paged. Let's get this shift started.


This is my first fanfic, so I apologise now if it's not great.

I hope you like it and enjoy the journey.

Thank you!

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