Chapter 4 - Actions Have Consequences

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My alarm goes off, I guess it's time to wake up. My head is pounding after last night's drinks. Last night... Oh god. What did I do? I check my phone, nothing. Maybe that is a good thing. I only remember parts of last night. At least I got home safe. I remember Amelia brought me home... and I tried to kiss her... Oh boy. I can't face her for a while. There is no way she will want to see me after that. How would I even be able to tell her what the hell I was thinking in that moment. I best get dressed and ready for work. I can't wait to see what today brings. Hopefully the possibility of not running into Amelia and just getting all my work done. I get up out of bed and pick out a black shirt, blue jeans and a pair of converse trainers. I go brush my teeth and wash my face before heading out of the door and walking to work. I only live a 20 minute walk away so it makes sense to walk there.

I walk through the doors and head straight towards the attending's lounge. I just want today to go by smoothly and quickly. I open the door to the lounge and... yep, she's in here. Just got to keep my head down and head straight to my locker.

"Dr Y/L/N, can we talk"

"Respectfully Dr Shepherd, I'd rather not right now. I just want to get changed and work"

I get changed into my scrubs and head out of the lounge. I may have sounded rude but I just can't talk to her about what happened. I grab my tablet and check my notes for checking over the patients I have to see today. I head to the pit and do a quick round down there to see if anyone needs me. Nothing. I'm not going to say the Q word though, that's just asking for trouble. I head back up to the ICU and do my rounds up there. I have Dr Schmitt as my intern for today. He is a good kid, just clumsy. He earned the nickname Glasses after observing an operation and having his glasses drop into the patient's body. Don't get me wrong, we all earn nicknames whilst in our intern year. Mine was Buzzy because I was always on a buzz from wanting to operate. That and I ran off of energy drinks and coffee. What can I say, it's how we operate.

I would usually send my interns to do lab runs for me but after last night, I need to keep myself busy to avoid a certain someone.

"Dr Y/L/N, how are you"

I turn around and see Arizona looking at me as she spoke to me.

"Dr Robbins, I'm good thank you, how are you?

"I'm good thank you. I enjoyed our drinks last night. It's good to get out"

"Preach! I just wish I hadn't drank so much, I woke up with a bit of a headache this morning but I'm all good now. The morning breeze helped on my walk here"

"That's why you wait until you have a day off to drink as much as you did last night"

"I didn't do anything else stupid did I?"

"You didn't no. What do you mean anything else? What did you do last night?"

"Oh... err, nothing. Forget I said anything"

"O..k... Well, I need to get back to the tiny humans but page me if you need anything"

"Have fun, I'll page you when needed, yeah. See you later"

Well that was... something. I just need to keep my head down for the rest of the shift. I really just want this shift to go by fast. Then I can go home and relax for the night and forget about everything.

8 hours later

Finally it's the end of my shift. I walk towards the attending's lounge to get changed out of my scrubs.

"Dr Y/L/N!"

I recognize the voice to be Amelia's, I keep my head down and continue walking.

"Stop! This is over. Follow me. Now!"

I stop in my tracks and turn around, hesitating to follow her. Something draws me towards her and I follow where she is going. She drags me into an on-call room and shuts the door behind me.

"Why have you been avoiding me and ignoring me all day?"

I look at the floor, avoiding eye contact with her

"I haven't, I've just been busy with labs and checking on my patients"

"Don't lie to me. You didn't want to talk to me this morning when you walked in and started your shift"

"It's nothing, just leave it, ok?"

"I can't leave it because if this is going to keep up, it's going to effect atmosphere in the work place. Just tell me what's going on"

"I can't tell you because..."

"Because what?"

"Nothing, forget it"

I go to open the door but Amelia holds it shut.

"If you do not tell me what is going on right now, I will make sure that you are given the worst cases for Neuro and make your shifts a living hell"

I walk away from the door and sit down on one of the beds

"I have been avoiding you because of what I did last night. I know it was wrong of me and I couldn't face you today because of what I attempted to do"

"That's it? That's why you have been avoiding me all day? Because of a drunken mistake?"

"What do you mean that's it? Of course that's it"

"So what, you went to kiss me. It's not like we had sex"

"Dr Shepherd, you ever heard of drunken words are sober thoughts?"

"Yes, why?"

"Sober me would never have tried to kiss you. Because of the alcohol consumption, it gave me the courage to be able to even go in for that kiss. The truth is, I really like you and I don't know why. I barely know you and you drive me insane when I see you around the hospital or when we were at the bar last night"

Amelia just stands there as I spill my words out of my mouth. I have really messed everything up.

"You like me?"

"Are you kidding me? That's what you took from what I just told you?"

"How can I think about anything else? That was the gist of what you just told me"

"Forget I said anything. I'm going to get changed and go home. I can't think or be here anymore today. I need to go home"

I stand up and walk out of the door, slamming it shut behind me. I walk to the attending's lounge and get changed back into my normal clothes and walk out of the hospital. I take a more scenic route home to avoid being seen by anyone from work. I don't want to see or talk to anyone for the rest of the day.

An hour later, I arrive home and kick my shoes off and fall onto the couch. I am so done with today. I just want some food, a drink and to watch a movie. I scroll through my phone and look through all my social media. Nothing really interests me. I finally get up and get myself a drink and put some food in the oven to cook. I go to sit down and hear a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Wrote it whilst watching tonight's episode of Station 19 and Grey's Anatomy.

If you have any ideas that you want me to consider, please leave a comment.

Spoilers!! Station 19 Episode 610

I am so happy that Maya and Carina have finally had a conversation without there being any tension. I really hope they stay together and have their happy ending. They both deserve happiness after everything they have both been through.

Word count: 1305

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