Chapter 6 - A Normal Day at Work

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The next morning

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I roll over and turn it off. I do not want to go to work today. Memories of last night keep coming back to me. I smile to myself as I think about what happened between myself and Amelia. After 10 minutes, I muster up enough energy to get out of bed and head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and fix my hair, doing natural make-up for work. I go over to my wardrobe and look through it for an outfit to walk to work in. As I look through, I pick out a white t-shirt, blue jeans and my converse trainers. I walk into my lounge and grab my bag for work and walk out the door. It's a clear day today. It's days like these that I love not driving. I get to enjoy the sunny weather of Seattle.

20 minutes later, I arrive at Grey-Sloan and make my way to the attending's lounge. As I enter, I see Arizona and Maggie talking on the sofa. They look over as I head to my locker to grab my scrubs and lab coat.

"Y/N, what is that on your neck?" Arizona speaks up


"That... mark on your neck"

Shit I think to myself. I forgot to cover up the hickey that Amelia gave me last night.

"It's nothing" I try to lie and ignore them both as I get changed.

"That's a hickey. Did you get lucky last night?"

Damnit "Uhh, yeah, I guess so"

"So who was the lucky person?" Maggie asks me

"No one in particular. A one night stand, that's all"

"So... you're single?" Maggie shows interest

"I am but I'm not really looking for anything at the moment"

"Talk about being straight forward" Arizona chuckles

"I wasn't asking for me"

"Sure you weren't. I'm gay and even that was very forward" Arizona says as she gets up, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"I'm going to start working before you both interrogate me any further"

"Have fun, Amelia seems happier than usual so you have that today"

"Thank you" I walk out the door and head to the nurses station, grabbing my tablet for the day.

I head around the floor, doing all my morning rounds, checking on all my patients to see how they are doing and introducing my interns and residents to the patients and the cases I have today. I have an OR booked for later in the day to deal with a tumour in the frontal lobe. The patient who has the tumour is very brutal with how he says things. He can't help it though but at least you can be honest with him back as he needs to know that he has crossed boundaries.

I do my rounds for the morning, checking labs, notes, the usual morning routine for me at this point when at work. I send one of my residents, Wilson, to do homework on the procedure that I will be doing this afternoon. I always like to make sure that anyone who is going to operating with me has knowledge on what is going to be done and how it is going to be done.

Time for lunch I think. I always have to have food in my system before operation. For me, it's one way to make sure that I stay focused and on task without the thought of being hungry or feeling my stomach making any noises. Today's lunch for me is a pasta salad with some water. Got to make sure that all my food is healthy of some sort. To say hospital food isn't the best, the cafeteria food is actually pretty decent. I look around as I ate, seeing interns talking at one table, residents and attendings around a few other tables scattered around the room. I hear the doors open as someone walks in. Amelia walks in as I'm finishing my food. I can't help but smile to myself as I remember the night before. She gets her food and sits at a table not far from me by herself. Should I go up and make small talk with her? Should I just leave her alone at work to not make things seem weird between us?

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