Chapter 9 - You Are My Safe Place

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TW - Smut! And talk of addiction

I head up to the OR and scrub in with Amelia stood next to me. Just before Amelia scrubs in, I spot her standing in a pose.

"What are you doing?"

"It's the superhero pose"

"I can see that, why are you stood like that?"

"It improves mentality when going to do surgery. It works, believe me"

"I don't doubt you"

"Do it with me"

I stand next to Amelia and do the superhero pose with her. I am actually shocked that I feel even more mentally ready to perform this surgery. I scrub in with Amelia after 5 minutes. I gently shake the water off my elbows and carefully walk through the door into the OR. I gown and glove up and stand by for everyone else to get ready before starting.

"Let's kick some ass. 10 blade please"

I start the surgery as Amelia watches over my shoulder. I try to get the residents involved with little bits that aren't as complex. As much as I want to teach them, I'd rather not have anything go wrong. I'll happily teach them on cadavers and in labs on fake brains, but this is a real life person. I'd like to keep the patient alive.

Everything seems to be going according to plan. The residents seems to be enjoying this surgery as well as staying professional. The atmosphere in here is really nice. No tension, no awkwardness, just calm and collected as well as having some fun. I keep my eyes on the patients brain that is currently on show to me. I clip what I need to and start closing up the brain and ensuring that the stitches are as flawless as possible. I finish Stitching up and take my gown and gloves off, heading to scrub out.

"So, what did you think of how I perform surgery?"

"I saw no flaws. You really do like to have things down to the last detail don't you"

"It's all part of being a surgeon. I like to have things go to plan"

"Well, I'd would like to say officially after that surgery, welcome to the Neuro team!"

"Thank you. It will be a pleasure working with you"

"Yeah it will" She smirks

"Not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter"

"I said nothing of the sort. But now that you mention it, we do have time to go to an on-call room..."

"What if we get caught?" I whisper

"That's why we have locks and we will be careful"

"Ok... what about... condoms?" I lower my voice, looking around to make sure no one hears me

"Don't you have any on you? In your bag?"

"Ah yes, I carry them everywhere in case I want to have sex with someone randomly. Of course I don't!"

"It was only a question. No need to get sarcastic"

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous"

"It's not like we aren't the only ones that probably have fun here. There are definitely more doctors that are guilty of that"

"Fine, I'll meet you in an on-call room in 10. Text me which one you are in"

"Sounds good to me. See you soon"

Amelia walks off to an on-call room as I head towards a storage room and grab a condom. Why am I so nervous. I wasn't this nervous when we first did it. I just really hope we don't get caught. The last thing I want is people finding out about us and who I am.

Love Wins Every Time | Amelia x G!P ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now