Chapter 10 - Old Habits Die Hard

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A few hours later

I wake up in Amelia's arms. She is so peaceful. How did I manage to get her as my girlfriend. I feel so happy just to be in the same bed as her. I want her to be happy as well. I need to start planning this date we are going on. Yeah, we have a games night coming up but I want something special for the both of us. Just us 2 and a night to ourselves and having a the end to a beautiful day.

I slowly get out of bed, lifting up Amelia's arm and sliding out from her grasp. I head of of the on-call room and start doing some post-op rounds on my patients. Luckily I don't have many patients of my own so I can grab some food for myself. I head down to the cafeteria and get some sustainable food to last me a while. I sit down and start eating my food, looking around at the people around me. I see a few other attendings at one table, interns sat at another. It's like being in high school all over again. Having people sat in separate groups of who they hang out with. I mean, it makes sense. I don't hang out with many people and here I am, sat at a table all by myself. I guess I could go and sit with some of the other attendings. I stand up and walk over to the few that are sat over at the table closest to me and sit down.

"How is everyone today?"

"Not too bad, not many trauma patients coming in so I guess that's good" Owen replies to me.

"Pretty much the same, I have some surgeries booked for this afternoon but that's it" Meredith answers.

"A few broken bones but that's it. Not much going on in ortho today" Callie says.

"That's good to hear. I won't jinx it though because we all know how that will end and I don't want to be hated today. It's been a really good day and I would like to keep it that way"

"Oh yeah? What's got you in such a good mood?" Callie asks me.

"Oh, nothing in particular, just... a good day" I try hiding a smile.

"Yeah, sure it is. Did you get paid or something?"

"No, I just woke up in a happy mood. That's it"

"Sure it is. The same way I wake up in a good mood after having mindblowing s-"

"Ok! I do not want to hear the rest of that sentence"

"I'm just saying"

"And I'm just saying that today is a good day" I smile, slightly chuckling.

We all sit and continue eating our lunches, general conversation between a few of the other attendings. I can't help but just listen in to some of the conversations about surgeries that have been done and some of the fun stories of patients that have come into the hospital. Some sounds hilarious and some sound so very bizarre. Like there are unreal and stupid of people to do. One guy came in with his hand in meat grinder after he slipped. The whole machine had to be transported with him to be able to ensure that he would have his fingers and hand in tact. It sounds like such an amazing case.

I finish eating, standing up and throwing my trash in the bin, heading back up to the ICU and grab my tablet, updating notes and checking results for my patients. I check on some of Amelia's too so she can sleep a bit longer. She seemed so peaceful when I left. I send her a quick text.

Y/N: Hey, I've just checked on all your patients. They are all doing well. I've updated your notes. Hope you slept well :)

I head to the blue room and sit in there for a while, relaxing in the chair. It's very... calming in here. The blue light helps release dopamine which helps relieve stress. It really does seem to be helping. I hear my phone go off so I take it out of my pocket and read the message.

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