Chapter 5 - Heart to Heart

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TW - Smut!


"Can I come in?"

"I suppose so. What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you said to me earlier"

"What about it. I have nothing else to say about it to you, or anyone for that matter"

"Then just listen to what I have to say"

I sit down on the couch, signalling for her to sit at the other end of the couch. I don't want her to sit next to me as I don't want anything to happen.

"What do you want to say then. Spit it out"

"I just wanted to say that... I pushed you away because I'm not sure how I feel about anything. I'm your boss Y/N, nothing can happen between us. There are rules in place for a reason and I can't break those rules, neither can you. It would be unprofessional. If I could kiss you, I would but I can't. I'm sorry"

"I understand. I'll ask for a transfer as I don't think I could be around you and not have the feelings that I do for you"

"You don't have to request for a transfer. I know feelings are hard to push to one side. I've been there. Just... act professional and everything will be ok. I've been doing it too"

"What do you mean? You've been doing it too?"

"I have had to push down feelings and ignore them to continue with work. I know it's easier said than done, believe me..."

""I'll try, it's just difficult"

"I know it is. Like I said, I've been there"

She moves closer to me, I try to keep my calm and not move as to make her sense how nervous I am with her being so close to me. Last time I was this close, I almost kissed her. I can smell her vanilla scent from here. It's positively intoxicating.


"Yeah? Sorry, I juts kinda zoned out"

"What you thinking about?"

"The drunken mistake last night..."

"Don't worry about it, honestly"

I look up into her ocean blue eyes, taking in her features. How can someone like her be so perfect? She's my boss for goodness sake. Why did I have to fall for my boss? I can't help but lean a little closer to her. She is looking into my eyes. I lean closer to her, looking into her eyes and then down to her lips. Amelia leans closer, eventually we end up kissing each other. I can feel the electricity running through my body as we kiss. I pull her on top of me and she deepens the kiss as she straddles my lap, cupping my cheeks in her hands. I roam my hands up her back, keeping the kiss going. I really don't want this to stop. Her tongue licking across my bottom lip, I open my mouth slightly and we fight for dominance. She won as I moaned into the kiss, taking her jacket off, throwing it on the floor behind the couch. I deepen the kiss, my hands going under her t-shirt, her soft skin on mine as she pulls away from the kiss.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just... this...the feelings"

"The feelings?"

"Yeah, I had feelings for you"

"So this is just a one time thing? I got it"

I lightly push her off me, back onto the couch where she was sat before.

"Just so you know, there is something you should know about me Amelia"

"Yeah? Tell me"

"I was born intersex... I have the male reproductive system. You already know that I'm Non-binary as well, I assume anyway"

Love Wins Every Time | Amelia x G!P ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now