Chapter 3 - Drinks And Confessions

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8PM came around pretty fast to say it's been a bit of a busy day. Now, I'm getting changed into my regular clothes and heading across the street to the bar. Let's see how many of the doctors actually show up. I really hope most, if not all, stick to their word. It would be nice to know who I can trust going forward. Maybe this will be a chance to make friends with them outside of the hospital.

As I enter the bar, I take a look around, taking in the surroundings. No one is here yet from work. I go to the bar and order and order a beer. Hopefully this will loosen me up slightly. Help take the edge off and become less nervous.

"You aren't from around here, are you?" I hear the barman say.

"Uhh, no I'm not. How can you tell?"

"I mainly get regular customers in here and I haven't seen your face around here before. You new?"

"You could say that. I just started work across the street. I'm an attending there"

"Ah, you're another doctor. The rest should be here soon then. They usually straggle in after work"

As if on cue, the door swings open and in come a few of them come in. I spot Amelia at the back. All I can think is how amazing she looks.

What the hell? Stop thinking like that. She's your boss I think to myself.

I smile as everyone sits down at a booth over at the other side of the bar. I end up sat between Meredith and Dr Altman. I take sips of my beer to help keep me calm and give me the courage to be able to talk and not make a fool of myself. I can't help but glance over at Amelia every so often, blushing at her.

"So" Teddy says "what brought you to work at Grey Sloan Y/N?"

"I needed a change from where I was before. I spent years there from my first year as intern to my first year as an attending. I needed somewhere new and different. Why not choose one of the top hospitals in the country"

"Which hospital were you at before?" Owen asks me.

"John's Hopkins. Not the best but it was a decent teaching hospital"

"That's where I know you from!" Amelia speaks up and looks at me "I knew I recognised you. You started your intern year just before I left there"

"You went to John's Hopkins?" I questioned her, looking confused. I hadn't seen her when I was there. Saying that, I was only an intern. All I noticed was the resident I was assigned to when I got there.

"Yeah, I went there and did my year as a fellow and then went to St Ambrose for a couple of years before coming here and becoming Chief of Neuro"

I take a sip of my beer as she speaks, looking shocked. As if we both went to the same hospital to train as doctors.

"Small world, Arizona told me she went there too. I heard the Mayo Clinic is also a decent hospital but that wasn't an option for me"

"Why was it not an option for you? Mayo Clinic is another great hospital"

"I didn't want to go there. as much as it is good, I didn't want to live there. Minnesota wasn't really where I could see myself living. Seattle though, I could and still can see myself living here. It will take a while to feel like a home to me though"

"Did you ever think about the army?" Dr Hunt interjects

"Honestly, no. The army wasn't a thought of mine. But I will always be greatful for those who risk their lives and serve in any sort of armed forces"

"Before I forget, what is everyone called? I know you all by your surnames"

"Well, I'm Owen. This is Teddy, Meredith, Arizona, Callie, Maggie and you already know Amelia"

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