Chapter 2 - Making Friends

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I run down to the ER to see who needs me. Patients are flying through the door at a fast rate. MVC I hear someone say. At least there is a screen with which beds have patients. Organisation, I like it.

"Who paged Neuro?" I shout, looking around.

"Over here!" An intern flags me down.

I run over to the bed and check the patient over. I end up doing a full examination of him, ensuring I don't miss anything with looking at his head and eyes.

"Someone book me a CT now. I do not want to miss anything at all"

An intern runs off straight away, at least they listen here. That one good thing then. I continue to check the patient over and once I am done, I go and check the next patient. That's one rule with me, check on every patient to ensure nothing is missed by anyone else. Even when it's done by those who have done it years and are the best in their field. That includes Amelia.

2 hours pass and I can finally sit down and get a drink. It feels so good to be able to sit down. As much as I love being a doctor, I do not enjoy the pain that my feet are in at the end of the day. Just as I sit down, someone else comes into the room.

"Dr Y/L/N, how are you enjoying your first day here?"

"Dr Robbins, right? It's busy, I will say that. I can see why you are a number 1 trauma centre. I've never seen an ER run so efficiently"

"Yeah, I'm Dr Robbins, but please, call me Arizona. I'm glad you are enjoying it here. What a day to start here. Having an MVC come in must have had you and a fair few others rushed off your feet"

"You can say that again. Don't get me wrong, I love being a doctor and being able to save lives, but it can be painful on the feet"

"Sing it. So, what brought you to come and work here anyway?"

"To be honest, I heard how much of a great hospital it is and I needed a change from where I was"

"Where were you before you came here? Seattle Pres?"

"No, I came from John's Hopkins. I was there all the way from being an intern to my first year of being an attending. It was a good hospital but I needed change"

"No way, I went to Hopkins too. What a small world. Let me guess, you had Tom Koracick as your mentor"

"You guessed it. He is good at his job but can be a pain with showing off that he is good at Neuro. But I wouldn't be here if he didn't teach me what I know now"

"Well, now you have Amelia and she is just as good, if not better than him. Shoot, I'm being paged. Well, it was nice to talk to you Dr Y/L/N"

"You too, and it's Y/N. Pleasure to talk to you. See you around"

And just like that, I'm by myself again. I don't mind that. Sometimes it's good to just have time for yourself, even at work. I guess I should go find a few other doctors to see if any of them want to join myself and Amelia for drinks tonight. Don't want it seeming like a date on the first day. I stand up and walk out of the lounge. I open the door and bump into someone.

"Ah, Dr Grey. I was just about to come and look for you. I was wondering if you would like to join me for drinks tonight at the bar across the street?"

"Oh, Dr Y/L/N, I would love to. My shift finishes at 8PM so I will see you there. Celebration drinks for your first shift" she smiled at me.

"Ah good, do you know where any of the others are? Or if you see them could you ask them? I'm not sure who I will see and when"

"Of course, now go enjoy the rest of your shift. Oh, you may want to talk to Amelia, she can't stop talking about you" she smiles and walks off into the room.

What? She keeps talking about me? What have I done? I can't think about that right now. I have work to do and doctors to invite out to drinks. Now, where do I begin, the cafeteria. Where every doctor goes when they have time to eat.  So, off I go. It doesn't take long to find my way there. As I open the doors, I spot the majority of the attending's are around 1 table. Makes it easier I guess. Here goes nothing as I walk over to them.

"Hi, I-I was just coming to invite you all to the bar across the street tonight. Celebration drinks if you will for my first shift here"

The majority nod and it seems to be going well. Let's see how tonight goes then. Please don't let me make a fool of myself.


Again, I am really sorry if this isn't good. I'm open to ideas of what you guys want to see happen. I have a few ideas for when Amelia and Y/N eventually end up together.

Spoilers!! Station 19 Ep: 607

Who saw that coming cause I certainly didn't! I just want them to have their happily ever after 😭😭

Thanks for reading

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