Chapter 12 - Good Girl Act

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Friday night

It's finally Friday night and it's time for the girl's night that Amelia invited me to earlier in the week. I didn't dress up as such, just some black jeans and blue top with a jacket. I walk up to the door of the address Amelia sent me. It seems like a really nice house. I knock on the door and take a step back, waiting for someone to answer the door. A few seconds later, Meredith answers.

"Hey, come in. Do you want a drink?" She smiles at me, standing to the side to let me in.

"Just a soda if you have some please?" I take my jacket off and hold it over my arm.

"Take a seat in the lounge, we are just waiting for a few other people to show up and then we are thinking of playing a few games" Meredith points towards the lounge where Arizona, Callie, Maggie and Amelia are already sat down.

I walk over and sit down next to Amelia, putting my jacket next to me in the open space. I give her a small smile to which she gives me one back.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask her, leaning my elbow on the back of the couch and leaning my head on my hand, looking at her.

"I'm good, how are you?" She leans back onto the couch.

"I'm good thanks. I have been looking forward to this for a few days now. No work, just a nice time where we can be ourselves. Speaking of, are we telling people?" I lower my voice to keep others from hearing what I was saying.

"That is up to you. I am happy with whatever you choose. I just want you to be comfortable and not rush you into being public or exclusive before you are ready to take that step" Amelia gives me a sympathetic look, placing a hand on my thigh, caressing it with her thumb.

"I say let's do it. I don't want to hide you. I want this, all of it, with you" I place my hand on top of hers with a big smile across my face.

"We can tell the girls whenever you are ready"

"Probably when they have all had a drink or two. Let people have a bit of fun before we tell them"

"Sounds like a good idea. Are you having a drink whilst you are here?"

"I am not, I'm going to be drinking soda most of the night. Like I said, I'm doing it to support you"

"You really don't have to do that. You are allowed to have fun. Don't do it because I can't drink"

"But I want to. I'm in this with you, no matter what"

Just then, there is a knock at the door. Meredith walks over and opens it. I can hear Teddy, April and another woman that I haven't met before.

"Y/N, this is Addison, Addison, this is Y/N Y/L/N, our new neuro attending"

I stand up to shake her hand. She is quite a tall woman. I don't recall seeing her around the hospital though.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Addison"

"You too Y/N, how are you liking Grey Sloan so far?" she gives me a small smile as she shakes my hand.

"It's really good, everyone is so nice and very welcoming as you can tell" I slowly sit back down.

"That's good to hear, it's quite easy to gain friends there. I remember my first day there many years ago. It wasn't all good but if I remember correctly, a lot of the attendings did gain nicknames. Mine was Satan and Arizona's was Dr Rainbow" She send a small laugh towards Arizona.

"I believe it still is. Amelia's is Shepherdess or Neuro God and I've heard Medusa around a few times when people have spoken of Meredith. I honestly can't imagine why" I give the sarcastic comment as Meredith comes back in the room with a drink for me and Addison.

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